SEC-S17W3: large and small families, likes and dislikes

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month
Hellow my sweet Steemian FELLOWS aslam-o-alaikum. HOPEFULLY everyone will be fine anjoy your beautiful life. 😍💓



Hi i am Maryam Nadeem from Lahore #pakistan. Come once again to join an amazing contest which is the titel is large and small families, likes and dislikes. A very good contest has been organized in which about big and small family we will tell you who likes big family and who is satisfied with small family. So lets start. 😍

By the grace of Allah, I am also a mother of two children and the third one is about to be born. I am very happy that Allah Almighty has blessed me with a very beautiful family. Very intelligent and she is about to turn six. My younger son who is very handsome and very active and intelligent is about to turn four.



Everyone has different thoughts and everyone thinks and acts in their own way. Many people like a big family and many people like a small family. I would like to give my opinion that the kind of Pakistan. There are situations in which many people are having children and the one who nurtures the children is Allah, but their needs are not being met, due to which many wishes of the children remain unfulfilled.

That's why I like a small and lovely family in which we can be happy and fulfill all the needs of each other. are and their needs are not being met, that's why I would like to say that you should raise your family after seeing the budget of your house.

Most people love having so many children if they have the opportunity whereas others prefer having just one, two or three kids. If it's your choice to make, would you prefer large or small families?

Concerning the choice of having a huge or little family, the decision is significantly private and movements depending upon individual tendencies, conditions, and targets. Both tremendous and little families have their own fascinating course of action of benefits and troubles, which can shape one's unique association. In this work, I will examine the advantages and damages of both huge and little families to help with giving a thorough perspective on this critical choice.

Enormous Families


  1. Companionship and Support: Enormous families every now and again develop strong bonds among kinfolk, making an inborn sincerely steady organization. Family can acquire from one another and give companionship and sponsorship throughout life.

  2. Diverse Interactions: Growing up with different family can open children to various characters and perspectives, helping them with making strong intelligent capacities and adaptability.

  3. Shared Responsibilities: In gigantic families, undertakings and commitments are oftentimes coursed among the adolescents. This can show them huge central capacities, similar to coordinated effort and investment.

  4. Sense of Belonging: Immense families can make a sensation of having a spot and fortitude, as there are more entryways for family social gatherings and shared experiences.

  5. Legacy and Lineage: Having a huge family ought to be noticeable as a technique for widening one's legacy and carry on family customs and values.



  1. Financial Strain: Raising different adolescents can be expensive, and enormous families could defy financial hardships in obliging their necessities, such as tutoring, clinical consideration, and extracurricular activities.

  2. Individual Attention: With various children, it might be pursuing for gatekeepers to give individualized care in regards to each adolescent. This can impact adolescents' near and dear development and certainty.

  3. Logistics and Management: Arranging the plans and necessities of a tremendous family can be decisively troublesome, requiring strong progressive capacities.

  4. Limited Resources: There may be challenge for resources like time, space, and thought, which can incite family contest or vibes of being dismissed.

  5. Impact on Parents: Raising a gigantic family can be really and truly mentioning for watchmen, who could fight to change work, family, and individual time.

Little Families




  1. Individual Attention: With less youths, gatekeepers can commit extra time and respect for each youngster, solid areas for empowering kid associations and supporting their new development.

  2. Financial Flexibility: Little families oftentimes have more financial versatility, allowing gatekeepers to place assets into their youths' tutoring, relaxation exercises, and experiences.

  3. Simpler Logistics: Managing the plans and prerequisites of a little family is generally less difficult, giving more entryways to family holding and diversion works out.

  4. Reduced Stress: Gatekeepers could experience less strain and weariness with less young people, allowing them to keep a prevalent harmony among serious and fun exercises and individual flourishing.

  5. Quality of Life: With less wards, gatekeepers could have extra time and resources for put assets into their own benefits and callings, provoking a better private fulfillment.


  1. Limited Kinfolk Interactions: Adolescents in little families could have less entryways for family associations, which can influence their social development.

  2. Higher Expectations: Watchmen in little families could put more noteworthy degrees of prominence on their youths, which can provoke strain and stress for the children.

  3. Potential Loneliness: Adolescents in little families could experience impressions of sadness, especially if they don't have other direct relations or colleagues nearby.

  4. Lack of Arrangement in Experiences: With less kinfolk, children could have less entryways for varied associations and experiences inside the family setting.

  5. Increased Dependency: Gatekeepers could depend every one of the more vivaciously on their children for fellowship and sponsorship, which can put additional near and dear loads on the young people.


The decision between having an enormous or little family at last reduces to individual tendencies, values, and conditions. Huge families can offer fellowship, support, and a sensation of having a spot, but they may moreover present financial and key hardships. Little families, of course, think about more individualized thought and financial versatility, yet they could miss the mark on various associations and experiences that greater families give.

Regardless of what the size of the family, the principal component is the idea of the associations inside the family. Strong, sound associations can be empowered in both colossal and little families, gave gatekeepers are aware of their young people's necessities and spotlight on open correspondence and shared help. In the end, the best choice is the one that lines up with your characteristics, resources, and goals for your friends and family.

I would Like To invite my friends to take part @iqraa100 @drhira @ashkhan @kouba01 @mvchacin @goodybest @heriadi @chant.
Thanks 💕

Best Regards 😍

Maryam Nadeem

Cc 😍



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

Regardless of what the size of the family, the principal component is the idea of the associations inside the family. Strong, sound associations can be empowered in both colossal and little families, gave gatekeepers are aware of their young people's necessities and spotlight on open correspondence and shared help

Club Status#club5050
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
AI Free
Score (quality/rules)9/10

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 last month 

I love your post especially seeing your beautiful kids, and how smart you say they are.

You made us understand that it's partinent to have a family according to your budget.

You also said that regardless of your family you have , the major thing is the idea of the associations inside the family. Having strong and sound associations can be empowered in both families.
Tha k you for sharing your point, I wish you luck in the competition.

Of course, you are a married person and you know how to manage your house. Of course, you will have a very big family and your husband or you are not so demanding. It may be that you don't do their expenses filling, so it is better that you have two children. I saw their picture and I liked very much.

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