One Good Turn Deserved Another by @mariez

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago
Every good you do comes back to you in one way or the other.

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Greetings fabulous family of @steemkids, thanks @goodybest for this contest that gets us to appreciate kindness and being kind.

Janice was a teenager who lived in a small community. she was a university graduate with a bachelor's but had failed to get a job for over 10 years.

She kept believing that one day God would give her a job though she had lost hope in applying for the Job hence she did not know where it would come from.

She decided to keep doing random small jobs to earn something for herself but her earnings always were used to buy items to take to orphanages and distribute to the poor.
She just didn't have much but had a kind heart for those who don't have at all.

One day as she was coming from somewhere she met a lame man, who was stranded in the city.
The man did not have any money, he was hungry and tired.

He has gone to the hospital that day to get treatment but along the way, his money had been stolen from him.

Janice did not have a lot of money but she gave him almost all the money she has and only remained with transport because of her kind heart, she wouldn't go past that lame man.

As she was in the taxi heading back home the thought came into her head " oh, I just gave out all the money and I haven't remained with anything for my dinner or my transport tomorrow"

As she was sound asleep at night she got a call from her cousin abroad, who told her to check her phone.
She had been sent 500usds out of nowhere. She couldn't believe it not until the next morning.


  • Do good without expecting others to do the same to you.
  • God always rewards kindness.
  • Don't wait to have so much to start doing good.
  • Give from the heart
  • Always look for someone to help.
  • Every kindness you do always comes back to you.

Kindness is the reason so many people believe in God's goodness and so we should do more of it so that those who have lost hope can know how great God is.
Kindness is a blessing and by doing it we are blessed in return by the Almighty.
Small or big,there is no act of kindness that goes unnoticed by the creator as long it's done from the heart, "one good turn deserved another"

I invite;



This is a very interesting story, Kindness is always rewarded, you have highlighted this in your story. Thank you for participating in the contest

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 2 years ago 

Hello dear friend #mariez thanks for taking part on this contest, I really enjoyed reading through your story. Oh my goodness it's good to be good Our act of kindness can't go unrewarded. The one we help might not be the one Rewarded us as in the case of Janice. Continue to be active in our community we appreciate you 💕

 2 years ago 

So often missed by so many people!
Do not do anything to expect something in return.
The golden rule for all of us.
Thank you for sharing 🌼

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