Poor performances of School Children || 10% to @steemkidss

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago

Poor performances of School Children:

It's no news that parents often wonder why the academic performances of their children are so poor. Below are some common factors and possible solution.


Poor teaching methods and incompetency of teachers.

An incompetent teacher cannot produce students with excellent results. No matter how much he/she may try, if he/she can't do the job perfectly then there's no way the students will be good. Teaching is very much about giving out to someone else what you know. It's about passing or transferring knowledge. You can't make a child good in a subject you as a teacher doesn't know well and can't teach well. The incompetency of a teacher can be the reason for poor performances of children.

Overpopulated classrooms.

There's a standard which the government sets for primary school teachers to follow. One of them is the number of students allowed in a classroom. Children should not learn in an overpopulated classroom. A class should contain just as many students as a teacher can handle. When the children are overpopulated, the teacher will be forced to focus his/her attention on some kids rather than all of them. By doing so, some children get left out and are unable to flow with the lesson. In the end the result shows the effect of this.

Lack of study materials.

There is a need for all students to have study materials. It helps in making learning easier. Also through the study materials such as textbooks and workbooks, the children could be evaluated and their weak points noted through their classwork results. A child without adequate study materials may have a poor academic performance.

Emotional instability due to broken homes.

This is one very common factor that is a cause of poor academic performance in children. Children from broken homes are oftentimes emotionally unstable. They get sad and unenthusiastic about learning and this affects their academic performance.

Parental Negligence.

A child may have poor academic results because they are neglected by their parents. Children need that parental love and support in academics too. A parent may not have to do anything big but checking up from time to time and following up on what is going on in school, even a little encouragement can go a long way in affecting a child positively. The absence of this could result in poor academic performance.


First, there's a need for all academic institutions to always run a thorough interview and assess all applicants to be sure they are academically sound before employing them.

Also, it's necessary for schools to conduct impromptu supervision in classes while teaching is ongoing to see if the teachers are doing their jobs well or not and offer correction or discipline when necessary.

Classrooms should not be overpopulated. If the number of students in a class is about 50, it's wise to divide the class into two and let each half receive lessons separately so the class can be properly managed and all children properly attended to.

Schools should make sure that buying of study materials is emphasis. Children should not be allowed to attend classes without adequate study materials.

Parents should try as much as possible to manage marital conflicts so the children don't get affected. It's wise to see a counsellor to help manage situations or just not display any form of negative behaviour in the presence of their kids.

Parents shouldn't neglect their children. They should try as much as possible to give their children all forms of support to encourage them in their academic pursuit.



 2 years ago 

Thank you for this eyes opening and educative post about why kids fail in school. Most the time parents and guardians over look these things.

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