in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago

Stories , especially bed time stories were one of the things I loved and enjoyed as a child , infact it forms most of my childhood memory. My parents had always ceased that medium to instill morals in me. They told me different kinds of stories most of which were about animals . My favourites were the ones about the tortoise , they were always funny and all focused on the consequences of bad characters and behaviours. The tortoise was always potrayed as a wise but cunning animal.

My favorite was one with the title:



I was told this story by my father when I was eight(8) years old. It became my favorite when as a child I saw a real tortoise in the zoo and realized that the shell really looks cracked. I find it difficult to forget this one and always remember the story whenever I see a tortoise. The story goes thus..

Once upon a time in the animal kingdom, it didn't rain for a very long time and so there was famine, the was no food anywhere and some animals had started dying of hunger , the animals on land had heard that the king of the sky, the eagle, had enough food and was even about throwing a party, they sent a message to him asking him for help. he gladly accepted and asked that they come for his party up there in the sky. A lot of animals could not fly and so they couldn't go, some other animals were carried by others who could fly. Tortoise didn't have wings and so couldn't fly to the party, he was wise and decided to borrow feathers from other birds, he borrowed feathers from different birds, the hen, pigeons, peacock, duck , and some others, he glued the feathers to his body and it became a very beautiful multicolored wings.

the party day came, the tortoise flew with other animals to the sky,



it was a really beautiful party, all the animals sat on a big round table listening to good music and admiring the sky. the tortoise suggested that they all gave themselves nicknames, just for the party, the animals accepted and they all took different names. the tortoise said he would like to called "all of you", they all laughed because they found the name stupid, they agreed to it anyway and continued partying. It was time for the feast and the animals were very excited. the queen eagle came to their table with a large bowl of food, she greeted the animals, then she said" this food belongs to all you". the animals were about to pounce on the food when the tortoise stopped them and said the food was meant for him alone because his name is "all of you" , he took all the food and ate them all, he told them the queen would serve them their own food but this one belonged to him.


The queen came again with a bigger bowl of food, this time the animals were happy, they thought she had brought their own food like the tortoise had said. The queen got to their table , with smiles on her face , she said "all of you should finish this food, I don't want anything to waste", as soon as she left, the tortoise said again "you all heard her, she asked me (all of you) to finish the food", the animals grumbled but couldn't do anything , they heard the queen loud and clear. although the party was already coming to an end they still believed that the queen would bring them their own food. she came again, this time with a big drum of drinks and food , she dropped them on their table, and without saying a word, she turned and was leaving but the animals stops her and asked who the food was meant for, she smiled again and said "it's for all of you to take home", they were all disappointed, they begged the tortoise to share some food with them but he refused , they were angry and started leaving the party, they angrily took the feathers they had given the tortoise and went back home sadly.

The tortoise went to the peacock, he begged him to tell his wife to bring out all the soft and flabby things the had in the house, things like mattresses, pillows , foams etc. so if he fell from the sky, he would land safely. The peacock was still very angry with the tortoise , he went and told the tortoise's wife something different, he told her that the tortoise said she should bring out all the hard and sharp things they had in the house. she did as she was told , she brought out all the hard things they had in their house, the hammers, nails, knives etc. the tortoise could sight her bringing out things and he was happy, he thought the peacock had delivered his message. he jumped down from the sky with his back expecting to land on a soft surface but unfortunately for him he fell on very sharp and hard things and he immediately broke his shell (back), he cried in pain but no one but his wife came to help him, his wife managed to gather up the broken shells, she glued them up but they were now looking cracked and not as smooth as the were before. That is why the tortoise has a cracked shell.



  • The story teaches us not to be greedy like the tortoise
  • the story teaches us to always ask for help like the animals asked the eagle
  • the story teaches that being wicked turns our friends to our enemies
  • the story teaches that we should be careful how we treat others because we would need their help one day
  • the story teaches us to be careful ,wise and clever so we would not be cheated or deceived by others

special thanks to @ngoenyi and @steemkids for organizing this wonderful contest. I'm really happy to share my favorite childhood story with the community. I am inviting @zekea, @sammypoet, @sokabomb and @stepsbyelven to participate in this contest, and to support this wonderful community, I will be giving 30% of the payout of this post to the community

 3 years ago 

Haha, I could laugh all day, tortoise will not kill me, never think you are too smart.
Thanks for sharing and keep sharing quality content with us

Hahaha, thanks alot

 3 years ago 

No probs.

 3 years ago 

The story of tortoise has always been a memorable one which everyone loves listening to. Your participation is free from plagiarism report, this is great. Keep writing good contents here but consider making shorter paragraphs in your future articles. Thanks @luckydrums

Thanks alot

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