The diary game//13-05-2024//my cousin sister got A+ in ssc exam

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

Hello friends how are you all hope everyone is healthy and well I am very well by the grace of Allah. Starting my daily diary today:


Today I woke up in the morning after waking up I went to the washroom and after coming back from the washroom I brushed my teeth. I finished brushing my teeth and had breakfast.



After finishing my breakfast I switched on my mobile. And after some time I entered the website to see my cousin's result. But shortly after entering the website my cousin sent me her result. I mean he saw it before I saw it. My cousin got A plus.


My aunt and cousin were very happy. I congratulated him and asked him to eat sweets. After that I turned on the laptop and started working online. After finishing work I slept. Today is very hot so I don't feel good. I went outside for some air and I saw my grass flowers. The grass flowers are very beautiful.



These flowers don't last long and wither before half of the day. After that I had lunch and after lunch I was sleeping. After a while I turned on the laptop again. Nothing feels right now so I don't know what to do. I spent time like this till evening. Then in the evening mom came home. I brought some food to pay me some money to bring food when I came home.


After that I came home and took a bath. After showering I entered the room. Then I played with my sister's son. I love playing with him. Played mischief with him many times and carried him around.




After that I had dinner. I was lying down after having dinner. Lying down I talked to my friend I played Ludoo with my friend. I fell asleep after playing ludo. This is how my day went.



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