Leisure and Shopping at Suzuya Mall Lhokseumawe

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago


Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings...

How is everyone?

Hopefully in this blessed month of Ramadan we will continue to be given health in carrying out fasting worship.

During the month of Ramadan there are many activities that we can do. On Sunday afternoon while waiting for the time to break the fast, I went to one of the shopping malls, namely Suzuya, Lhokseumawe city. It takes 45 minutes from the house to Suzuya.


I went with my best friend by motorbike. When I got there, I immediately parked the vehicle where it was available. By the time we wanted to enter Suzuya in front of the entrance, there was already a security guard on duty to monitor the visitors whether they had complied with the prokes during the current pandemic. In front of the door there is also a device to detect the body temperature of each visitor, the body temperature limit that can enter is 35° degrees. Suzuya Lhokseumawe City is a shopping center building that has four floors.


On the first floor there are rides to play and also a clean food truck, a variety of food is available. The second floor is a place that provides kitchen needs ranging from vegetables, fruit, side dishes, cosmetics, room cleaners, and also all kinds of food and drinks. Each product has its own price tag, the price of each product is very affordable than usual. At Suzuya Lhokseumawe, there is a big discount of up to 50%.


I immediately went shopping for some necessities. Visitors who come are very crowded and they have complied with the prokes. On the second floor there is also a famous food truck, namely Roti'O. Roti o is very much in demand by visitors, the price is cheap and there are also various types of coffee drinks available.


Suzuya Lhokseumawe is located at the intersection of four Lhokseumawe cities, directly opposite the Lhokseumawe post office. The third floor is a place where fashion needs are available, ranging from fashion for women, men, children to the elderly. The products provided are of very high quality in terms of materials and brands. The fourth floor is also a place for playgrounds and a place for kitchen utensils. Starting from pots, spoons, glasses, plates and so on related to kitchen utensils. Not only that, on the fourth floor there are also various types of fashion such as hats, bags, pencil cases, wallets and others.


After shopping for a few necessities and going around looking at each floor of Suzuya Lhokseumawe, we finally decided to break our fast there by buying o bread and coffee because it was time to break the fast. For friends who want to shop or play, you can really go to Suzuya, Lhokseumawe city, a comfortable and cheap place for sure to shop. Just go to Suzuya, Lhokseumawe city, what are you waiting for.

Thanks for reading and support my post !

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Best regard,


Hi @lienla, it feels good to see you again after a while 😊, thank you for coming here to share your shopping day with us. It's interesting to read from you

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Thank you so much for the wonderful time you spent in your free time shopping and for sharing it with us. Best of luck to you.

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