The Diary Game 15/12/23 || My Harvesting activities/ tending for livestock.

in Steem Kids & Parents9 months ago


It's been a long and engaging week for me, no one really enjoys working real hard, the only consolation is that it's rewarding. There are days I will wake up and not feel like going to work...don't be quick to call me "Lazy" because am not. Maybe it's just the body demanding for some rest.

If you know you've not experienced such before, be the first to cast a stone at me...infact I need to study you to understand why you've not experienced such. Anyways that's not my focus for today. Am sure you want to know how my day went...well am going to brief you.

Today I had to continue with my routine of taking care of our livestock, you know this very task can be very demanding as these animal require so much attention and care. The last DOC we picked are now big boys and girls as you can see below. Although we do not plan to dispose this Christmas.


Our weeks old chicks

I also had the privilege of harvesting our ginger. We planted them earlier this year. Well it my first time of planting such. Like I will always tell my self, this is the best time to explore. I would always check it each time I get to work hoping I would see the ginger sticking out on one of the


ginger being harvested

Don't mind me, I do not know it grows from it root until my boss hinted me and asked me to harvest it. You can see we have them all in sacks, they were not directly planted in the soil (ground). One of the tell tale sign that it mature is that it goes all yellowish, with all it leaves fading off


Ginger in sacks

I was able to harvest quite a tangible size of ginger from our little garden. For me it just an experiment, I don't mind increasing my input in the coming year so I can get more and even sell out...smiles.


The harvest

I also planted okro and scent leave this year too, just few months ago before the rain stopped and I must say, they produced well, it forced me into eating okro beyond my normal consumption level. I had to feed on it so it doesn't waste. All of these are what am going to give a very good shot next year God willing and see how I can make few bucks from it...winks.

After this activity I had to fix some other stuffs in the farm and run some errands. That's was it for the day. It was such a day for me, came home had my dinner, and then boom! I was in dream land...lols...

Thanks for your time friends, I hope I didn't bore you with my diary. Maybe you were looking for the diary of some great guy in the office with AC blowing from left to right, don't be disappointed my friend, these are those days of little beginning...smiles. GRACIAS!


 9 months ago 

Saludos amiga
Cuando tenemos animales en casa el trabajo es muy duro porque ellos necesitan de mucho cuidado su alimentación agua y medicamento y esto nos quita algo de tiempo así también como recolectar las cosechas
El jengibre es imprescindible tenerlo en hogar porque tiene muchos beneficios para nuestra salud te deseo éxito en tu participación

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much dear glad you can relate, indeed these activities require a lot of time and attention. Thanks for engaging my post.

 9 months ago 

My cousin keeps chickens. Farm these chickens are very difficult to rear and require a lot of time. I also planted a ginger plant near the house but unexpectedly the plants did not. Your ginger plant has yielded well. Thank you for sharing a beautiful post.

 9 months ago're very right, it not easy keeping these things.

A fellow of mine told me about his friend who kept these kind of chicken but lost all within a very short period

...Well God has been helping us with our livestock. Thanks for engaging dear friend.

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