in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)

Greetings to all the steemians around the world. I'm super excited to have stumbled upon this community and the very first post I saw was my favorite subject at school contest which particularly drew my attention and thus making it my first post on steemkids. Thank you @steemkidss for this awesome opportunity.

My secondary school days has been one of the most important moments which has had an impact on my present situation.
I've always been a brilliant student in school and thus was able to cope very well with all the subjects. I was most marked by a subject known as economics which I learned from my third year at secondary.


From the moment I attended my first class in economics, I automatically liked the subject. Infact I loved it. I loved Economics because it taught me to better understand consumer behavior, help me manage my finances, and also helped me with my daily activities. The subject was very practical to me and it was something I lived in my daily life. I was also very good in economics and often scored high marks. I always understood it very well, and most often explained it to my classmates, one reason why it became my best subject. I could study this subject all day without getting tired.
Talking about the teacher, he was my favourite, amongst all other teachers we had in school. I'll always call him Mr Paul or affectionately Daddy Paul. I regarded him as a role model because his lifestyle was so impactful to me. He was well versed with the subject. The main reason for his being my favourite teacher was because he explained the subject in a way even a layman could understand. More to that, apart from being my favourite teacher, out of school I chosed him as my godfather this strengthening our relationship more.

(a picture of myself during my 5th year at secondary school)
Economics is very important in our day to day running. First of all, knowledge of economics can help one to effectively organize his/her transactions and be more organized too. Also, to effectively manage your business, it is important to have knowledge of the subject. Economics also help in decision making. With knowledge of economics, I can teach a child on how to manage his pocket allowance, and how to be economical.
If I was to redo any subject in my life again, then It would definitely be economics.

I'm Inviting ;

Thank you for reading through and stay blessed.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for sharing your favorite subject with us. We wish you success.

Thank you thank you

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