SEC14WK:#5: Charity Begins At Home

in Steem Kids & Parents6 months ago (edited)

Happy day Steemians!
It's you favorite steemite @kigbubenedict. Today I am delighted to share out my view on this beautiful contest organized by the organizers of this beautiful community on the topic"Charity begins at home".
Now this engagement challenge makes remember a song,sang by lucky Dube titled,"The way it is" and he says **
Be good to the people on your way up the ladder, 'Cause you'll need them on your way down.**_
Therefore,the rich needs the poor while the poor also need the rich .All fingers are not equal but when we extend it,it will go a long way.

This makes me to ponder on those lyrics and enables me to connect it to this topic.

👉What is your view about charity and do you believe that it should begin at home?

The act of charity means a lot to different people,so many people have different View and perception on the act of charity,but to me I see charity as:
Charity means the act of showing concern,love,affection by sharing with one another generously through giving in cash or kind. Charity is the act of showing kindness and support between two people. Both the weak and the strong needs a charitable act because,no one has it all in life. But it's good to reach out to the weak ones by showing them charity,because you can never tell,who will help you later in life.


Do you believe that charity should begin at home
I strong believe that charity begins at home; moreover there's a saying that says "Charity begins at home". Therefore,home is the first agent of learning, and learning how to be charitable begins from our various homes. The child learns how to be cheerful and charitable from the parents because the child will also grow with the reflection of the parents and that act of charity will surely surface in that person though the act of charity can't be measured.

👉What is the motivating factor for charity work and is it good to broadcast what you have done for others

The motivating factors for charitable acts are:

  1. Fulfilment .
  2. Joy.
  3. Relaxation of the mind.etc

Anyone that engage in giving others without doubt, usually achieved the three factors above and therefore,get motivated to engage in more charity acts by giving to people in need.


Is it good to broadcast what you have done for others?
It's absolutely bad,for you to broadcast what you have done to others by giving them. Therefore, there's no blessing when you give and then go about to broadcast,you are only glorify yourself but God doesn't acknowledge you.

But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

(Matthew 6:3)
This means that you should give anynomously,in secret and God will bless and reward you for doing that. But there's no gain in spreading your charitable act to people. It makes no sense to me .


👉When was the last time you carried out charity work to the members of your home

Sure,I do engage myself in giving to my family members as well as people I don't even know, though mostly I easily give to people I don't know,and to my nuclear family I see it as a responsibility to give them,and not a charitable act while to my extended family their are needy ones,and I often support them by giving them clothes and order items. But the last time I engage in charitable act was on the 24th December 2023.

👉Your advice to others about charity

I would love to advice my fellow Steemians on the act of charity.
Giving doesn't take anything from you neither belittle you to something, but the act of giving is a blessing that increases you to become a better person in life, their are many people that doesn't get to their destinations because of lack of giving while their are many that receives blessing abundant blessings while giving from their heart.


Since charity, also is the act of support. We can also participate it in this beautiful platform (Steemit)by supporting one another to grow by upvote and sending comments to enable us grow in this platform.
Therefore, charity begins at home, Steemit is our home too, we can demonstrate and exercise support for one another here, just to make it a better place for all of us live.

The world will be a better place,for me and for you when we engage in the act of charity.

Remember blessed is the hands that giveth than the hand that taketh.

I will invite @simonnwigwe @kuzboy @uduak3287 to join.

Thank you my lovely STEEMIANS!

 6 months ago 

Charity means different things to different people, but to me, it's all about showing concern, love, and affection by generously sharing with others, whether it's through giving money or goods. It's about being kind and supportive to one another, because both the weak and the strong can benefit from acts of charity. You never know who might help you later in life, so reaching out to those in need is important.

As for whether charity should begin at home, I strongly believe that it does. There's a saying that goes, "Charity begins at home," and it holds true. Our homes are where we first learn important values, including how to be charitable. Children observe and learn from their parents, and that spirit of charity is reflected in their own actions as they grow up. While the impact of charity can't be measured, it starts from our homes and shapes us into compassionate individuals.

 6 months ago (edited)

That's cool bro.

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