Creativity in Kids Life//Creating Something with water can

in Steem Kids & Parents8 months ago

Good morning my fellow Steemians!
It's a pleasure to come across this contest organized by @mesola, it's indeed a wonderful challenge that really intrigued me into remembering my childhood period, where we used to be very creative and active as kids using water bottles to create memorable crazy things and I am highly delighted to remember some of those things.

Firstly,I would like to show you how to create 3 things using water bottles and these are:

  1. Sandals
  2. Roller swing(I don't really know how to call it but we gave it a name, because kids formulate names and that still rings in my head)
  3. Green light bulbs.

It's really funny and unimaginable,that kids could use water cans to create Sandals but we did it as kids and it was really fun.

Steps in preparing sandals using water bottle can

It's just two steps,you get any water bottle can get a stone and smash it flat,after that you put your feet on it, and cross it over with a rubber band and you work majestically.

Two water cans

Smashed water can and rubber ring bang
Sandals ready:You walk in the neighborhood and everyone knows that you are passing due to the sound.

Roller swing
Roller swing as we named it,was a very easy thing to do;here you use the water bottle cover to do it,first of all,you pick a bottle cover and make two holes on them and fix a sag rope across the two holes and roll it backward and the release to swing.


You swing it backward several times and release gently,it rolls speedy like a moving tire.

Green light bulbs
Green light bulbs is the amazing of it all though I learned it at age 14-15, and it's really colorful.

Steps in fixing green light bulbs

  1. You use a green plastic bottle e.g teem bitter lemon,7up,etc. I prefer 7up bottle.


  1. You use scissors to cut the bottle into two.


  1. You use rechargeable, LED BULB and not the yellow bulb(Don't use yellow bulb because it generates a lot of heat and it will definitely melt the green bottle, if use)


  1. Fix the bottom part of the green bottle to the LED BULB


  1. Fix on the lamb holder and on your light, and your room will be green and very colorful.




NOTE:This particular creativity should be done by parents and smart kids, who are always careful.

At this very juncture, I would like to invite some friends to also share out their creative experiences by using water cans...

Thank you so much for creating this opportunity for some of us to have a flashback on how crafty we used to be during our time as kids, but it's quite unfortunate most kids of this computer generation don't create things compare to us. But I am very joyous because this contest will educate us on how to be crafty.

Thank you Steemians!


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