the diary game || 1- 04-2024 || Easter! why Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate it....

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

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It was the first Monday in the month of April; the people call it Easter Monday and all kinds of names. The sun took a glance at my window, and it shined on my eyes. I woke up to notice it's already a brand new morning. I had sad news because my cousin was sick and really sick, and while on call, his condition was still the same as when I left him on Sunday.

It was also a work day, a tough day at work but this time something strange popped up. The Easter celebration, according to them, is the day on which Jesus resurrected from death. It's actually a holiday for some people, like students and some companies, to celebrate Jesus Resurrection.

Morning session


I woke up early to feel some pain in my arms, and it seems like my bone has been misplaced. I didn't really care as it wasn't serious. I did the house chores, bathed, took my breakfast, and departed for work. I knew I would've gotten late if I trekked, so I boarded Keke, which cost me 0.12 STEEM, or 100 Naira in Nigerian currency.


When I successfully got to my work premises, I was not surprised because Monday has always been known for a tough work day. A lot of work was there for us workers, and in no time we took action. We kept the lickage in one corner and began to repackage into a complete bag of water.

I got to observe our workers, then I realized that the females were not around, and I was wondering why almost all the female workers disappeared. I asked one of my workers what's up with the female workers, and he said they're cooking. It then came to me about the food my bag of rice and my director bought on Saturday evening for Easter Monday.


So I headed to where their cooking took place, and wow, the whole place was impressive, with different sorts of spices, fried meat, a bag of rice, and all the cooking ingredients. In no time, the food was cooked and served with a drink, specifically malt. I believe the whole celebration cost my director up to 250 STEEM, which is 100 thousand naira in Nigerian currency. The question now is, Easter, why don't Jehovah's witnesses celebrate it?



Why Jehovah's Witnesses Don't Celebrate Easter

One of the popular rumors is that Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate Easter because they're not Christians and they don't believe in Jesus resurrection. The truth is, there's a great and core reason why Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate Easter. I'll expound here on three different points.

Point one: Jesus didn't advise people to celebrate his resurrection; instead, he told them to commemorate his death.

Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This means my body, which is to be given on your behalf. Keep doing this in memory of me. Luke 22:19.

While Jesus was on earth, he only asked to remember his death. We respect Jesus death, and we commemorate his death once a year, just like he does. He only commands Christians to commemorate his death on his anniversary, not his resurrection.

Point two: The Easter celebration is not in the Bible.

The Bible doesn't advise anyone to celebrate Easter. The encyclopedia Britannica said that Easter is of certain origins. What does it mean? If anyone does research on Easter, you'll realize that the Anglo-Saxon priest vulnerable Bede in the 8th century derived the word Easter from the Anglo-Saxon spring goddest eostre, while some link Easter to Astarte, which was the Phoenician fertility goddest.

Point three: We stick to what excites Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ.

You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them,for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation, and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me. Exodus 20:5.

The Bible has seriously warned not to worship God by following traditions that upset God; God needs everyone to worship him exclusively. Our decision to decide which traditions to worship solely depends on the Bible.


We don't criticize others for celebrating Easter or taking them for granted; we respect everyone's decisions, just like we expect from others too. Our reason for not celebrating Easter is outstanding and proven in the Bible.

After the celebration and eating, the workers went back to work, there's always a decision that workers must sit on the machine. Three workers went to the machine while others work as stacker, that's how it ended.




Best regards KIDI40

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