SEC17 WK:#1: Forgiveness unites family

in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago

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He that created us wanted every work of his hand to forgive. According to Mark, Jesus said; And when you stand praying, forgive whatever you have against anyone, so that your Father who is in the heavens may also forgive you your trespasses.”Mark 11:25 this means we don't forgive for nothing, we are paid by the supreme God.

Would you keep an arrogant tenant who doesn't pay his or her house rent for no good reason? Absolutely nope, why?

Because such tenants would only ruin our property and run away. Keeping grudges and not forgiving people is just like keeping an arrogant tenant who doesn't pay his or her house rent, it's a burden and it accumulate displeasure, it employ depression and welcome evil doing. We need to kick grudges out and keep forgiving people to save our hearts from heavy burden, how?

This content enlightened the core of forgiveness, who are qualified to forgive and lastly, the story of how a couple and two steemians fought and won over misunderstanding through forgiveness. Hold a cup of a warm coffee while reading.

What is forgiveness.

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Forgiveness is the process of letting go the wrong people commit against us. Sometimes it's not easy because of how deep the hurt is to us, and who wrong us but sometimes it's easy for some people. Forgiveness is a path to prove the love we got for others. The determination to forgive is our responsibility but trust me what we gain from forgiving people is greater than what it costs to forgive.

Forgiveness in another terms is the ability to let go of displeasure and anger. Forgiveness simply means we love peace and when we forgive we restore peace in our hearts, our blood flows well and just like the illustration I gave earlier, we kick out the arrogant tenant which is grudges, away.

the core of forgiveness.

Forgiveness means we love ourselves and others.

Take a look at the good things we do to ourselves when we forgive others. We saved our mind from depression, we clear that burdens that stuck in our minds, we develop a good thinking mindset and among all earn reward from God as he forgive our sins.

We put smiles on people face whenever we forgive them, it lighten their heart we took off those little resentment from their heart. We set their minds free and we both got the second chance to reunite.

It employ trust among each other.

The willingness to forgive and forget our family members or friends resentment they commit against us is what build trust. Remember forgiveness is the best habit that describes virtue and it is the best form of love, we forgive people because of love and when we forgive we build trust.

We learned from our mistakes.

Forgiveness is a core value that taught us a lesson from our past mistakes, we learned and corrected our wrong doing and developed a great sense of self awareness. We all need to forgive so we could deserve to be forgiven.

Who and who are qualified to forgive and do we have a limit on forgiveness.?


Our age, our size, our height, the tribe we came from, the family we came from and the person we are doesn't matter when it comes to forgiveness. Even a baby can forgive. We humans aren't perfect and flaws are all over our body, we wrong people and people wrong us it's natural.

Jesus said to him: “I say to you, not up to seven times, but up to 77 times. Matthew 18:18.

Peter asks Jesus how many times is my brother to sin against me and am i to forgive him? Up to seven times? Guess what Jesus answered Peter, he said not up to seven times, but up to 77 times. In the last verse Jesus concluded My heavenly Father will also deal with you in the same way if each of you does not forgive your brother from your heart. 18:35.

There is no limit in forgiveness because God doesn't have a limit in forgiving us. He forgives as long as we are concerned and regret about the sin we committed. We need to forgive with all our heart, we need to forgive and let it go.

the story of how a couple and two steemians fought and won over misunderstanding through forgiveness.

This is a true life story.


I knew two couples who got misunderstood after nine months of dating, I attended a meeting in the same congregation with them. These couples were doing great not until they had a little misunderstanding which I'm not aware of. They got separated for a while but because they both truly had a deep love for each other, they were able to forgive and get back into a relationship.

According to the man, he said that it wasn't easy for both of them to corporate during the period of broke up. I give credit to my wife for making our union a successful one because she was able to understand and corporated with me said by the man. The man indicates a scripture that helps them overcome such drastic incidents.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7. He cited two words that got him emotional, he said love doesn't keep account of the injuries and love endures all things. Last year June, this couple were successfully becomes husband and wife and the last time I heard from them, his wife gave birth to a baby girl. Love and forgiveness is so powerful.

This is a true life story of two steemians who overcome misunderstanding through forgiveness.

This is about me and @bossj23. He mentors me until I got used to the steemit platform but unfortunately we had a little misunderstanding. I had a big financial problem which required money and the money I had couldn't solve the problem so I reached out for bossj23 and sought help, he couldn't provided the moment i asked so he borrowed from his friend, we had a duration for returning the money.

I was grateful to him. The duration to return the money was fast to approach and unfortunately I was out of a club without noticing until a moderator told me. The weirdest thing was that I was to power up the same amount of liquid steem I had before I could be active in club5050. I was shocked and sad because my planned A was to repay back the money with my steemit earnings, I didn't had any choice than to power up.

I should've told bossj23 earlier but I hope on my planned B which was monthly salary but to no avail, I was disappointed as the pay date was shift. Before I could told bossj23 about the situation it was already late and he dropped messages on my WhatsApp. When I tried to narrate the whole story he got upset, he said I've done that the last time he helped me out and still done the second time and I should've told him earlier, he broke the trust the guy who borrowed him the money had on him because of me, that was so unfortunate.

Bossj23 was right, I've done that twice and I should've told him earlier maybe he could've find a way settled the guy then I paid him later. As the results he blocked me on his social life and I almost cried out. It was just a misunderstanding and it was in my place to look for a way to approach him. I told the steps by inviting him to joined a contest, when I saw his comment I replied to it, I talked with him in a WhatsApp group, guess what guy? He forgave me and last week he took me to brand my first steemit shirt which we captured some moment.

PXL_20240403_180822103.RESTORED~6.jpgyou can look at the smile on our face and confidently say we have no grudge against each other.
PXL_20240403_181048978.PORTRAIT~3.jpgwe're now reunited because we forgive each other and kick out grudge.
He got some styles because his heart was free from heavy burdens.PXL_20240403_182055610.PORTRAIT~2.jpg
I'm happy because we're at peace and reunite, that resentment has gone and.PXL_20240403_182242462.NIGHT~2.jpg


It's normal to have a misunderstanding especially as family and friends are just like the couple, I and bossj23. It doesn't matter how long it takes before we could forgive instead what counts is what we do to approach forgiveness. The couple wouldn't have overcome their misunderstanding without making a move and I and bossj23 wouldn't have won our misunderstanding without having a open mind. The couples are now enjoying their marital life while I and bossj23 are enjoying our friendship. It's easy to forgive when both parties are corporated.

In conclusion, forgiveness is a valuable virtue that helps us human to fight and win depression and anxiety, it brings back a wounded heart to life and serve as a remedy to a broken soul, have you seen a broken family around your neighborhood? Preach the important of forgiveness to them and see how happy they will become.

To this great steemians @eliany @bossj23 @alli001 and @josepha, I hope my invitation have found you all.



Best regards KIDI40

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Anda benar-benar orang yang bijaksana yang bisa menimalisir kesalahan serta memperbaiki hubungan orang yang dalam kesalahpahaman. Sungguh baik hati anda, serta mempunyai pintu maaf yang terbuka lebar untuk siapa pun. Kesalahan memang kerab terjadi namun pengampunan dan sadar diri yang menjadi solusinya.

To wake up and read this lovely comment of yours is a reason to start my day with forgiveness, I appreciate your lovely word.🤗🤗

Terimakasih sahabat atas balasannya. Semoga anda sukses selalu. Serta hidupnya penuh dengan keberkahan dan kebaikan. Aamiin.


Love makes us always try to maintain our relationship. We will face so many challenges to maintain it. And forgiveness is also because of love. Good luck with this contest.

We need love to forgive, love and forgiveness work together. I really appreciate your reply and the wishes..😊

 4 months ago 

Feliz y bendecido día amiga @kidi40, un placer saludarte

Para tener la capacidad de perdonar, nuestra capacidad de amar debe ser aún mayor, sabiendo que tenemos el ejemplo más grande del mundo en Dios que nos ama tanto y nos perdona y nos pide que así como el nos perdona nosotros también debemos perdonar a nuestros semejantes.

Muy bonita historia del perdón entre tu y tu amigo, los felicito.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

I appreciate your kindly words ma'am. Yes love and forgiveness works together like 5 and 6 footballers. Thanks for the good wishes ...🙏🏽 ☺️☺️


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator05. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.


Curated by : @dove11

Thank you @dove11 for the support..☺️☺️


Beautifully written 👏. I strongly agree that forgiveness is for our ownselves . Forgiveness is the only thing that helps you let go of things ... make your heart cheerful and start believing in the world again . Forgiveness is very very important to live . Keeping the hurt and grudge won't do any good .

Beautiful post kiddi . Keep posting such content.

I really appreciate your comment, thank you..😊

Always welcome my new friend ❤

I really appreciate your kindness. We can be friends on Whatsapp too right. 08084780866.
Eagerly waiting for your message.. 🤗

❤ ❤
Yeah definitely why not .

Wow..I already dropped my WhatsApp number, waiting for your message.

I already texted you 🙄 see it bunny !

I've not seen your text, do you mind sending your contact? I'll do the texting.😁

 3 months ago 

Nice post bro, the couples really did well and is very important to forgive those who offended is.

The story of you and bossj23 was interesting and am happy I got the opportunity to read your post because I have learnt alot from it.

Am glad that @bossj23 finally forgave you but I bet you are in big trouble if you do such a thing the 3rd time. Try to keep track of your account weekly to know if you are still in a club.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

I really appreciate this comment, thanks a lot

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