THE DIARY GAME || 26/05/2024 || A BORING DAY 😔

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago (edited)
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My dear diary,📖🌹

good evening to you my lovely steemian friends, how are you doing right now, and how was your day all through, I guess it's was fine, but I would like to hear from you, I'll tell you mine first then you tell me yours, so shall we,

    I wasn't feeling that cool through out the morning because of the bad sleep I had last night, I wasn't in a good mood to do anything, but there was many things for me to do before attending my christian meeting at 10:00a.m such as ironing my clothes sweeping and cleaning the compound cutting my hair and other stuff but it's already 8:00a.m, how will i manage to finish all that and still attend the meeting in time, it's was so challenging for me.

After cleaning the compound, I went back to my room to check on my phone since I haven't check on it since I wake up, as I was going through my phone, I heard my dad calling me so I went to see him, he was breaking granite for the completion of the water stand we constructed.

Since I wasn't having much time for that I could not help him and I was thinking he would ask me to help him break the stones that was why he was calling me but it's wasn't the reason and he didn't ask me to break the stones since he knows there wasn't much time left for us to attend our christian meeting.

IMG_20240526_082501_301~2.jpgMy dad breaking the granite, 💪
IMG_20240526_082611_945~2.jpgThe remaining water stand

However, we were having a little conversation, and after I was done with that I went back to where I was which is my room. Time was running fast I was confused on how I would finished all the stuff and attending meetings without lateness, besides my clothes are not even ironed and there was no electricity for me to iron my clothes, this was the first thing that aids to spoiled my mood.

After some few minutes, I decided to use box iron for the ironing, so I start looking for charcoal to hit up the box iron, I was on the kitchen insearch of the charcoal, boom, they bring light ( Electricity) i managed to be happy because it's will ease the job, so I left the box iron and went on to use the electric iron for the ironing.


After I was done with the ironing, I was hungry, I needed to eat but mom was still cooking rice and was my favourite. It's wasn't done, so I had to find something else doing instead of waiting for the food while there are bunch of stuff waiting for me to complete them.

So I then left to the nearby barbing salon to do my hair, as I was walking on the road, I said to myself, "it's pass 9a.m already, what's if there are a lot of customers waiting for him", but well I really need to doy hair because I didn't like it the way it's was even though I wasn't going to barb a new style.

Getting to the barbing salon I wasn't that much surprised to see the amount of people waiting for the barber to finish the one he is currently barbing, so I just have to wait for my turn, but what if this will make me late for my meeting ?.


Although I was late, I just have to wait because there's no sense going back now when you have already spent enough time waiting, I start pleading the Barber to at least, serve me since I wasn't really barbing, just to shave, and line my hair. after enough pleading he then decided to serve me but he was being attacked by other customers accusing him for that.

It's was 10mins pass 9a.m when am having meeting at 10:30a.m, I now see it clearly that am gonna late for today's meeting, I ran home as fast as I could but my other family members were done preparing and some left for the meeting, I was running up and down, not even knowing where to start, I would have leave this food and get prepared, but I want to take part in today's field service (preaching) so really need to eat to save my strength.

Before I could done with everything and let's for the meeting it's was already 10:45a.m, this was when my morning mood completely spoiled and I wasn't enjoying anything again, I only heard half part of what was done there, I wasn't happy sincerely.

    After the Christian meeting was closed, I left for preaching work but didn't want to stay long, since I was off, so after we were done with are preaching service she invited me to come over and spent the evening with his family, at first I didn't feel like going because I just wanted to go home and sleep off all those bad moments I had in the morning, but since she was a new member in are circuit I had to go with her at least to know where they stay Incase I might wanna branch next time .

It's was fun to be with them, they have a beautiful place, like, I was amazed, the house was so luxurious, just getting there I have consumed two chil bottles water and was waiting for food, I wanted to chop chicken because that was what I expected from such people, although they didn't serves me chicken, what I ate there was delicious and yummy.

I came back home at around 4:40p.m, I had a rest a little, it's wasn't that long before I heard my phone ringing, it's was my boss calling, asking me to come over to workplace since there was too much customers, to avoid losing them he ask me to help him come over.

Although I wasn't in a good mood, I had to go over there to help him out, and also to avoid being punished the following day.

IMG_20240522_204211_088~2.jpgThe customer showing us his style😁

    I got back from work feeling so tired and week, it's was some minute pass 8:00p.m, when I got home I wasn't having any appetite for food and was tired a bit so I just got some shower, and get to my room say my night prayer and get to bed.

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 last month 

Your day was well spent, after everyday we need to give ourselves some rest and I see that you did that, my bro chicken is very expensive now that I rarely go close to it, so the price will not even disturb me, all this was in preparation for a church meeting right?, best regards my friend.

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