If growth was a person..

in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago (edited)

The last picture i snapped

I bring greetings to all my steemit friends in the house!

One amazing thing I love and appreciate about life is that there is no stagnation in it. Every day we wake up to see that things around us are changing and even our days on earth are decreasing. Today a child is born 2 feet, and in some years he has grown to 5, 6, or 7 feet. To make it more amazing, we don't only change in body size, rather we also experience changes in our behavior and perspectives about life and the world in general. Look below to see how I have changed over the years.


Show a picture of you some years back and now and outline the differences in looks




This is one of the pictures that always takes back to the past. It reminds me of my stubborn self. From my face, you can tell that I was not an innocent child. As of then, I was very careless, stubborn, and very short in stature and temper. I fight daily, and parents complain to Dad about how I beat their kids in school. Although I was very short in height, my strength was unmatched by any of my mates.

But guess what, I was my teacher's favorite. Because I was good in class. My brain was fast in understanding concepts. As such, I always came 1st position in class. It was an amazing memory. Here I am today, fully grown. A lot of things have changed. I no longer have time to quarrel, and now taller than those people who believed I would never grow tall. Hmm..., what a life.


Do you think if growth was a person, I would be you? If yes or no, give reasons for your answer.



Trust me, if growth was a person, then it couldn't have been any other person if not me. See how short I was looking, and see me now. Is that not wonderful? Some years ago, people always say to me that I won't grow tall. Although I don't blame them because I was actually looking like someone that won't grow tall in height.

Today, I can see the center of those people's heads because I have grown taller than them. Take a closer look at the pictures again, and you will understand what I'm talking about. Indeed I have experienced changes in all aspects of life.


Highlight 5 crazy things you were doing some years back that you're no longer doing



Hmm..., indeed a lot of things have changed. You know, growth comes not only with an increase in height but also changes in behaviors. It will look weird for men to behave like boys. There are a lot of things I did in the past as a child, but they now irritate me a lot. Some of these are:

  1. Play rubber band games with other kids.
  2. Running with tires around the neighborhood. The tire was our car.
  3. Going to church 10 minutes before the closing hour just for our parents to see us and believe that we have been in church.
  4. Fighting with kids in school every day. I can't imagine fighting anybody now. It irritates me to see people fighting.
  5. Playing in the rain. And also using clay soil to build houses. Hmm.., I miss childhood bro.


How would you feel if you were still how you were 10 years from your age and what things do you do to appreciate growth?



I just can't even imagine It. Maybe I could have still been that stubborn child who doesn't seem to have any element of growing tall. Oh! Maybe I could have still been going to the river to build small houses with the sand and in the end beat someone's child before returning home. It could have been boring. Thank God things have changed.

Growth is worth appreciating because it brings many things with it. Look at me now, I no longer play with sand. No fighting, no playing in the rain, no time to go to the river, and no time to even play with tires. So amazing right? Of course, it is amazing.

I now invite @josepha, @dave-hanny, and @yakspeace to participate.



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 4 months ago 

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