in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago




Greetings beautiful steemians, it's another great day with a beautiful contest; Let's talk about summer in your country or area, please what do think about this wonderful contest??.
Myself I'm going to download what I think, know and understand about this very contest, follow me and let's go as I list out the important points of this contest as follows;
*What is summer?
*Weather and changes that occur.
*People's behaviour.
*Your personal feelings.
*Visitation of places.
*What you like most about summer.



Summer in my country is the hottest season in every year out of the four seasons we know in the world today.
I'm writing from Nigeria which is in the southern hemisphere where the seasons of the year are divided into four seasons.
*The rainy season.
*The dry season.
*The shot dry season within rainy season we call the August break. August break occurs at middle of August in the mist of rain. This time rain stops for at least one or two weeks before it will continue raining again. It's called August break.

*The harmattan season.
Harmattan season is very a dry aswell cold
season because cold wind will be blowing in November, December to February or march. When people notice skin dryness even if you apply lotions, many people at this time use vessel oil to avoid over dryness of the skin. People do have broken lips as a result of the dryness. As laughable as the proverb is, men are advised to choose their spouses at this time,any lady that is still looking fresh at harmattan period is marriageble. 😁😁😁😁.

These four seasons of the year are very vibrant doing their jobs to the fullest at each given time. Summer always comes after springs just before autumn. During summer, the days are longest and usually very hot. At each of these seasons lots of changes do occur in the areas and in all aspects of life. Plants begin to die.



The rainy season in my country Nigeria starts from April to October each year while the dry and hottest season of each year starts from November to march of the following year.
In my country Nigeria, the temperature can never get down to o% or to a snowing level because the temperature is always high, from 18 centigrade and above throughout the year.

During rainy season, rain falls almost every day with heavy flood most times the type of flooding capable of creating gully erosion or pulling down buildings, the roads, gutters, rivers and streams are heavily flooded. People are very careful at this time. This very year 2021 has been heavily rainy. Though rains are very important aspect of planting and harvesting of crops. Farmers need rain to enable them plant seeds for the year which are usually at the beginning of the year.



Dry seasons in my country is terrible. This is the hottest season of them all which starts from November to march the following year. This very season makes every body uncomfortable through out the days. The sun rises very early in the morning and sets down late in the evening.



People will be sweating, fanning themselves, there are more usage of air conditioning at homes, officies, and in cars. People are easily dehydrated, people drink more water or fluid than in rainy season. People keep bathing now and then looking for cooling effects. Many people in the rural areas prefer sleeping with mats under 🌲 🌲 🌲 trees than in rooms and in beds. I would like to mention some hottest States or areas with unbearable hotties like Maiduguri, Sokoto, Abuja to mention but a few.
These places in the northern Nigeria recieve little or no rains during rainy season but continually very high in ⛅ ⛅ ⛅⛅⛅ sunshine during dry seasons.


This is one of the hottest States in Nigeria. This very state is in the dry sahel surrounded by sandy Savannah and isolated hills. Sokoto state is one of the hottest cities in the world after Maiduguri state which is the very hottest. Just keep a bucket of water on the open place by 10 /15 minutes the water is hot as boiled on fire.
It's this hot, yes. As I was saying, Sokoto state has a temperature of 28.3c (82.9F). The maximum temperature during the day throughout the year is normally at 40c (104.0F), this dryness makes the heat very unbearable.



The people living in this area are usually very dark in colour because of the heat of the scorching sun on them daily. They're also prone to diseases like polo, blindness by the dusty sandy blowing air, kideny stone diseases because of lack of good drinking cool water.
Satchel water sales very high if you even see to buy. Malaria, typhoid, infant mortality increasing, so much sufferings. It affects what they eat little rainfall, scanty harvest. Making their skin scaly even when the applied cream or body lotions, their skin Wil keep looking dry and like scaling out the outer skin, uncomfortable is the result they get. Even in the Eastern state of Nigeria where I reside, dry season is usually hot and unbearable. It affects every thing positively or negatively but very mild here compared to the northern states.




Like in Abuja the capital Territory of 36 states in Nigeria, the dry season and sunshine is very alarming. Mostly from march to may iceblock which is a cooling effect sales at #300 from ordinary #50 it sold by June the rainy season. I know very well of what I'm saying here because before I relocated to Abia state where i now live, I had a cold room shop at Dutse Abuja where I produce ice blocks. It's a hot cake now, people will pay #300 in advance for a satchel of ice block. The sun is horribly hot, people need cooling effects. So I do supply parties, weddings, hotels and bars, roadside drink sellers. I made so much money from selling ice blocks. From the proceeds I bought a second hand Golf one door car which I was using to supply to my customers by myself daily, I hired some boys who package and arrange them for me, I will just come carry go and supply my customers.

By 3:am in the morning customers are already calling me to bring for them. The sun boosted my business but you will keep being uncomfortable that is it. Like now those that sale satchel water and anything liquid are in higher sales because of the scotching sun and high temperature in this season of dryness. Dry season allows businesses to thrive like here is an organised trade fair in Aba slated from 3rd -5th December 2021, the organisers carefully arrange for dry season. If it were rainy season it may not hold due to unexpected rainfall.




As at this very hot season that's November to some time in march schools are usually on long vacation, children are at home some attending summer lessons and coaching classes by their respective selected teachers by their parents at home or any desired places. Many schools now are having their end of the year parties.




To me summer is season of freedom from rainy season embarrassment, cold and carrhter, bad business because during rainy season many wares are unsellable, many people don't go to market. They prefer staying at home and managing the little they have. Those that do not have shops to display their wares are easily affected because most times the rain falls suddenly. It can destroy ones goods if care is not taken.
It's also the time parents take their kids for sight seeing, playground, to see father Christmas, families travel together to many other places, family vacations to locations known or unknown. Because it's usually extends to the month of December yearly.
It's fun having time indeed to all and sundry.



I like mostly the fact that children are on vacation and at home with their parents.
I like also the family vacations and traveling together for Christmas.
I like also the fact that one is not bothering about rainfall disturbances if you have any occasion unlike the rainy season where you may be scattered and disturbed by sudden, unannounced rainfall at the pick of some events which the owners may not forget in their life time. But I still like both seasons given to us by God. Without rainfall, there will never planting of seeds and harvesting of crops by farmers which will result into food scarcity.
Without sunlight there will be no osmosis in plants that warrants crop bearing by the trees. All the seasons and times are in God's hands and are beautiful to all of us.
I therefore invite my friends to join me



Hope we all really can understand what summer represent to mankind, God in his infinite wisdom has given us all the weather throughout the year. Thanks for making out time with me.



Well Summer is a good season as all others. However, right now I am enjoying winter season in my country.

 3 years ago 

@leopard0505, thank you so much sir I appreciate you. Keep enjoying the winter, we in Nigeria doesn't have winter season.

 3 years ago 

@tayetaiwo thanks very much I'm grateful.

 3 years ago 

@xaldal thanks, I'm gratefuf sir. Thanks

 3 years ago 

Thanks very much I'm grateful.

 3 years ago 

@peachyladiva thanks God bless you

 3 years ago 

@benton3, thank you sir I appreciate you.

 3 years ago 

@fortwis09 God bless you I'm grateful.

 3 years ago 

@meymeyshops thanks so much my sis.

 3 years ago 

@davosimple thank you so much I appreciate you.

 3 years ago 

@ijelady thank you for everything I appreciate you sis.

We are in for Success

 3 years ago 

@gunthertoop God bless you sir I appreciate you, thanks.

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