 24 days ago 

Well done for writing a post about that word consisting of 10 letters and starts with "K"! 🤛

 23 days ago 

I think this should be a comment instead?

Trimakasih ngoenyi..😁

 23 days ago 

It can be a comment or a post.

How to participate?
You can reply to this post by posting your word, or you can write an article about your word
You can only enter once

 23 days ago (edited)

Ok, but that post is too short to be a post. We don't accept that type of post in our community as it is not of quality

 23 days ago (edited)

Ah okay, that make sense.
Best is to ask the user to edit it then or to move it to a comment.
I had a look. I will added a 300+ words as part of the rule.

Apakah saya buat komentar saja?

 23 days ago 

You have two options.

  1. Delete this post as an error and move it as a comment or
  2. You can edit this post to make it 300+ words

Ok. Aku pilih opsi no 1 ya.. thanks patjewell

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