Instilling Descipline In A Child, How Is It Done In Your Locality

A special greeting to you all, I hope everyone is doing great. Today, I want to take this opportunity to participate in the current competition going on in the community


The competition called Descipline In A Child is great for bringing awareness to us children. Growing up, I don't have as many children around me as others, except for my little cousins, and we're almost close in age, so I've witnessed children being disciplined from the experiences of others.

What Is Discipline

Discipline is an established rule and regulation established by any organization, family, community, and school to prevent disruptive behavior.

What forms does the discipline take in your location?

My place is Lagos and we have different ways of disciplining children.

By denying them food
This is very common in my area. Note that this is not a complete denial of starving the children, but rather putting food away late or letting them eat after the others have finished, my mom often did this while I was a child and I'm sure this discipline kept me in line when I was about to misbehave another time.

Punishment is another discipline and does not take the form of beating or hitting the child with a stick. They tell the children to stand up and close their eyes for one to two hours.

Which usually leads to discipline in your location

What normally leads to discipline is disobedience, which occurs when children break the rules and regulations set by the school, the community and their family.

How do children respond to discipline in my locality?

Discipline is a terrible word in the ears of the children in my neighborhood, when we look at the forms in which it is administered. We avoid it at all costs even by lying, but it is inevitable to see that stupidity is in the heart of a child, discipline is always required.

There is only one expected outcome of discipline and that is obedience/compliance, when it is not, more discipline is followed... He smiles.

What is the best form of discipline

What do I consider to be the best form of discipline? From the observation of my locality and from the experience of being once a child and still being someone's child, I think that the best form of discipline is that which is given out of love.

Whatever form the parent chooses to use, it should be proportionate to the offense committed with reason, the child should understand these reasons. Knowing that children tend to be naive and curious, they do not understand the full extent of their actions.

A parent should make sure his or her discipline is capable of teaching these lessons. At the end of the day, discipline becomes a teaching tool, not a form of punishment.

Why discipline is important in a child's life

Childhood is a very important stage of learning, because as a child learns to obey authority, he also learns to disobey it, to see the limits of his compliance. So discipline serves as a tool of control and to teach these limits (morality).

Discipline is important for a child's life to direct them to the right part of life to follow. A society without discipline has failed miserably because these children are likely to negatively impact this society and nation.

What should be the proper motive when discipline is given?

Having discipline as your top concern is really good. Therefore, our aim should be seriously to help them improve their attitude and show good behavior in a particular subject.

The best kind of discipline is solemnly motivated by the sole desire or interest to reform the subject and not by the authority's desire for personal retribution.


Discipline is very important for children today, parents have a duty to discipline their children, keeping in mind that their motive is to train them and not to torment them.

Thanks for reading my entry for this contest today, I invite @tayyba1234, @hamzayousafzai, @mesola to take part in the contest


Thanks dear for you invitation .I will participate .

 2 years ago 

At the end of the day, discipline becomes a teaching tool, not a form of punishment.

Sure, but all forms of discipline is actually a teaching tool be it punishment or with love but the best form of it is with love. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I love the way you concluded this post. Wishing you best of luck in this contest.

 2 years ago 

It's great to see your participation in the contest, kids can be very funny and I agree that when you deny them food like this, they became gentle and listen more.

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