Bullies in your locality, how can kids win over them.

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)

Good Morning Wonderful Kids And Kids Lovers!

I trust you all are enjoying your weekend! Mine is amazing and it's my delight to join in our beloved community writing contest about bullies in my locality and how especially the kids can win over them.


Bullying has always been existed and it is rampant in my locality kids bullying follow kids and adults bullying kids. This usually happen both in school and at home. Bullying is such an ugly Threat it even leads to death in some cases, so in this article I will discuss how anyone can beat bully especially Our lovely kids. But firstly I will define what bullying and bully is.

What Is Bullying?


Bullying is not an ignorable matter as large percentage of of youth suicides reported links to bullying as a contributing factor.
Bullying: is a constant act of making life unbearable and unpleasant for another person.

Bully: on the other hand is a person who willfully assaults others, especially the weaklings either physically or emotionally.

Do You Have Them In Your Locality?

Offcourse! Both among school children, and in some homes. I'm a primary school teacher, and I used to see kids bullying a follow kid especially the ones they know can not defend themselves, they pinched, hit or call them names. This doesn't look good at all as the bullied sometimes miss or even skip classes. In high schools bullies used to spread harmful rumors about their school mate, threatening the school mate either physically or through social media.
Recently bullying too a more sinister turn in my locality, bullies brutally beats a follow student to death, this happened among boarding students. And cases of adults either parents or guidance maltreating and abusing a kid is ubiquitous.

Have You Been Bullied Before?

Yes! I was bullied before and that was during my high school years, and was by my school mates and even some of my class teachers, they bullying me because of my religious beliefs. I'm one Jehovah's witnesses so then, follow students and even teachers used to spread harmful rumors about us, they used to called me Jehovah's wickedness.
I used to feel bad whenever this happened to me, but I didn't used to allow them see my pains because after all that was their aim, at times I will just answer them mildly, standing up for my beliefs, other times I will just be silence, and this used to pain them that they don't get on me. Finally I used to speak up, I usually reported to my parent and it helped a lot, applying their invaluable advice even makes some of the bullies to become my friend and listen to the truth.

What Forms Does Bullying Take?

Bullying comes in various forms this includes:

verbal attack: This is the spreading of harmful rumours about someone, saying things that hurt the person or calling the person names that will make him/her to feel unwanted, worthless or good for nothing.


Sending harmful text messages or photos to another person using cellphone, is a form of bullying

Sexual bullying: this consists of abusive comments and unwanted physical touching.

Bodily bullying: involved physical contact beating, biting, pulling of hair, pinching, hitting and kicking Or threatening to punch the weaker one if they don't give up their things.


Racist bullying: this comes in different forms, mocking a victim because of his/her skin color or appearance, because of cultural or religious beliefs.

Social Isolation: avoiding the victim, not allowing the person to associate in any social function, making the person to feel like an outcast, and feels alone.

Why Might Young Ones Be Bullied:

  • young ones are bullied because they are defenseless, and they don't have power, bad people take advantage of this and bullying them.

  • those who are different from others because of their appearance, statue, disabled or those from another race or religion.

  • loners: young ones who lacks social skills are likely isolated themselves from others, making them prey to bullies.

  • those lacking self confidence, thinking negatively of themselves are the easiest target too, when ones bullies get to know this weakness of theirs, they will use it against them knowing they can't fight back.

What Are The Effects Of Bullying?

  • As I stated before bullying leads to 40% of suicide in youth worldwide.

  • Kids that are being bullied normally get depressed they feel sad and lonely they may even lose interest on the things they used to enjoy before.

  • their academic achievement, and performance may decreased, they may even drop out from school.

  • Some bullied might become a bully in future they may grow up to be abusive toward their mate, follow adult or even their children.

How Can Kids Win Over Their Bullies?

This few tips will help our kids to win bullies:

  • by not fighting back, not reacting because this will make the bullies lose interest knowing that they haven't succeeded in making you feel bad.

  • Do not retaliate because this will likely cause more problems for you.

  • avoid situation that could lead to bullying

  • give an unexpected response, always be mild in your answer this can turn away anger.

  • use your sense of humor at times for example if a bully said you're fat, you can respond saying something like oh then "I guess I could shred some few pounds!"

  • Walk away sometimes and be keeping silence it shows that you're more mature and stronger than the one who harasses you.

  • work on your self confidence, if bullies get to know that you lack confidence they will use that against you and may even destroy the little confident that you have.

Lastly tell your parent or teacher about the bully, don't be quiet maybe out of shame or fear of retaliation. Speaking up will help in ending bullying.

For more information read this article

Kids you may find this video interesting, click, download and watch

I believe this tips can be useful for anyone! Hello @eliany @gracyakan and @vickydear please join in this Contest.





This post has been upvoted through @steemcurator07

Curated by- @ngoenyi

Curation Team: Steem Growth

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much @ngoenyi ma'am

 2 years ago 

Well done on a very informative post.
I can truly not remembering any bullying when I was at school. We were all just one happy family.
Time has changed…

 2 years ago 

You're absolutely correct 💯 time really changed, it's even more rampant now. Thanks for your encouraging comment, I appreciate you 💕

Interesante este tema es muy importante comunicarlo y dar mucha inormación por el futuro y bienestar de nuestros niños, se ha visto el bullying y el acoso de muchas maneras y hay que estar atentos, gracias por compartirnos acerca de este tema, saludos.

 2 years ago 

Greetings dear friend, thanks for your wonderful comment, I appreciate you 💕

 2 years ago 

Excelente post gracias por compartir tu experiencia con nosotros

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the comment dear friend 💕 I'm glad you liked my experience

 2 years ago 

Truly if children should inform their parents about the bullies it will really bring a stop to it Weldon

 2 years ago 

Absolutely! Thanks for coming around I appreciate your effort in reading through

 2 years ago 

First of all I like the way your first 2 headings were coloured. How did you do that?

work on your self confidence, if bullies get to know that you lack confidence they will use that against you and may even destroy the little confident that you have.

This point is so valid as a lot of youngsters grow up with little or no self confidence @goodybest

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your nice commendations, for the color I'll send you the code through WhatsApp

 2 years ago 

Thanks for inviting me,I will join,this is quite informative

 2 years ago 

Thanks dear Sis, I'm expecting your entry and make sure you share on social media and drop the screenshots on the comment section of the post

 2 years ago 

Very good explanation about this issue ,and like your tips for get ride ride /solution of it

 2 years ago 

Thanks dear I really appreciate your beautiful commendations

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