The power of nature

in Steem Kids & Parents4 months ago


By the time they gathered back at the camp Miriam said:
"ok, we need to play that truth or dare game again, and this time there's a dare" She said.

They all agreed to it, the first dare involved everyone, you write the name of the person you admire and put in a container, whomever's name you got, you had to hug the person for 50 seconds.

Lydia smiled and said "I hope i don't get Joe!"

They laughed and they wrote the names in the pieces of paper.

Whether it was by luck or not, but I'm pretty sure everyone got who they wanted, so the equation was balanced.

Later after the game, Jordan and Jenny took a walk, the caterpillars had turned into a chrysalis and in the next few days, would turn into an adult butterfly the trip was soon coming to and end and so is our story 🤣

They were looking at various flowers, and they watched the sunset, "so tell me why'd you leave, all of a sudden when we were in junior high"
Jenny asked
"Actually, after my Dad died my mom decided that we shouldn't stay there anymore, i tried to talk her out of it, but it turned out she had a lover and couldn't wait to be with him after my Dad died, we left that very night, i couldn't even say goodbye, later on, i found out the so-called lover was your dad's close friend, he was never around only sparingly, saying he had work to do, and mom would hush me up, anytime i wanted to ask questions about it."

Jenny was surprised at that, "So that was the case, my dad's friend is such a trouble, my dad cut all ties with him" she said

"You have no idea how happy i am to see you again, i thought i would never" Jordan said and they both hugged each other for a moment and broke away embarrassingly.

So was the relationship that existed between everyone there until the Caterpillar eggs became beautiful and mature butterflies, Jenny loved them, after taking observations and filming the documentaries, which was to be submitted to the teacher, They all soberly let the butterflies fly away, Jenny was very sad and almost cried, so Jordan held her hand though she still felt bad.

On the last night of their stay, they played so many games, but rain spoilt their plans, and it was so heavy that many of their tents fell apart, they had to squeeze into the extra tent, Jordan and Jenny brought, which was made of thick material, it was a night to remember.

They had been bonded by those days they spent in the forest, became close friends and hoped that nothing would ever separate them, but life throws suprises at you when you least expect it.

Thanks for reading !!



I really enjoy reading the story. Is there another episode of the story

 4 months ago 

There are, check my blog for past updates


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