Ruby and the magical shoes

in Steem Kids & Parents7 months ago (edited)


Ruby rushed over to answer the call, but the look on her stepmother's face was enough for her to wish she never came in the first place, her two step sisters were sobbing, and that was when she knew she was in trouble all because of them, but in the past Mrs Lisa always took her side, so she expected the same now, that assured her that it was going to be okay. But she was so wrong

"Nora and Vera said you left them to come home alone knowing so well they didn't know the road back home huh?" Lisa queried

"What!, I told them to come back with me, but they were too busy with others, and they told me they knew their way home, as a result I left them because tomorrow was a test" Ruby explained

"Mum you won't believe a strangers child over your own children right?, She's obviously lying not so Vera?"
Vera nodded in the affirmative.

"Mum please believe me it is all a lie I was....."
Ruby tried to explain but Lisa cut her off
"Shut up your dirty mouth, are you trying to say that my daughters are lying, your the impostor so you're obviously the liar"
Lisa barked

Ruby had to blink her eyes to make sure she wasn't in a silly dream, her stepmother clearly knew that she was telling the truth, what's going on?, as if she read her expression Lisa gave and explanation.

"Surely you must not be surprised at what's happening, if not for you, I and my hubby would have enjoyed a normal family life, but he loved you more that his real daughters, I only put up that act so he could love his daughters more, but the affection got more intense, I'm here for money and no dirty child will take it away from me" Lisa finally let the cat out of the bag.

Ruby was disappointed in hearing this, she broke down to tears, she missed her father dearly, she was going to be a maid In her own father's house, all because she had a stepmother who never loved her right from day one.

Out of emotion she ran to her room, shut the door and started crying, meanwhile the trio in the living room were laughing and hugging each other, the continued until Vera suddenly spoke

"Lest I forget mom, I really love Ruby's room and you know it, simce she's an impostor in the house she can manage sleeping in the attic, after all she deserves that not so Mom"

Lisa nodded"Of course, my dear daughters will now enjoy the real life, with all the money your dad left for us, it's gonna be fun, and at least we have a maid at our disposal" Lisa spoke

The next morning, after Ruby had done her usual morning chores,she got ready for school, she was surprised that her sisters were still sleeping, they had a test that morning, she just made breakfast, secretly put on an alarm and ran off to school, the alarm rang five minutes after she left, The trio fumed at her, Vera and Nora quickly got ready for school, and their driver dropped them there.

They got to school late but just in time for the test, their performance in school was just average and most at times went below the line, it didn't matter to them, they felt all they needed was to inherit their fathers riches when the grow older.

Don't miss the next part.


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