No matter what happens, you always have to be strong.

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago



Today I want to write something from myself, namely to tell you the story of my daughter, who is growing up with autism. Olivia (that's my daughter's name) was born on 02.08.2018, she is now 4 years old. At first, there was no indication that he might have a disability. She was born healthy, beautiful, and expected. She was gently wrapped in an umbilical cord when she was born, but I don't think that makes her different. The little girl grew beautifully and quickly gained weight. When she turned 3 months old, something happened that could affect her further development, more precisely, our princess had the so-called "apnea", which appeared under the influence of crying. We landed in the hospital then nothing was found, she was just on observation and was getting IVs. After 2 weeks we went home. I did not notice any particular changes in the behavior of my daughter instead she was cheerful as always.


A few months later, Oliwka had a vaccine we, together with the grandmother of the little one, decided that for her sake we would pay for the so-called" 6in1 vaccine " and it was a mistake !! but at that time, we were thinking about her well-being. A few days after this event, the little girl was sitting in her feeding chair and drinking tea as usual, and suddenly fainted. I was paralyzed, and Olivia's grandfather resuscitated her (in fact, he saved her life). We called an ambulance and were back in the hospital. Maybe they didn't tell us exactly, but you could tell from the doctors ' facial expressions or speech that it was all due to the vaccine. Since then, our little girl has become a different child, did not smile at us as before, did not make eye contact, and did not respond to the name. All these symptoms testified to one "autism". At that time, I could not accept it and pushed away the thought that my daughter might be different and would not develop as well as her peers. But it was the beginning of the iceberg, Olivia as soon as she started walking ran away from us everywhere we could not go anywhere with her.


My daughter didn't say anything, she couldn't focus on anything. I remember this period as the worst in my life, how many tears I shed, only the parent who experienced the same thing knows. Despite everything, we did not lose hope that our treasure would eventually begin to say that we would hear "Mom" or "Dad." It's been 3 years since Olive may not be talking great at this point, but she says you can get along with her for us it's a lot!! I believe that it will be better every time we do everything so that our little ones can cope in life. If someone from steemit has a similar situation, it is worth supporting each other:)

10% to @steemkidss


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