Update #20: Writing Expedition ✍️,Friday: Diarygames, fun activities, acts of kindness, School runs for the week, parent/kids interactions

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year (edited)

Hello everyone! I'm here to share with you all how I spent my day today because it's been another fantastic day. I hope you all enjoyed reading my post.


Being a Friday, I awoke at around 7:00am, said my prayers, and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth so they would be exceedingly white when I smiled.

After that, I had some bread and eggs for breakfast the next morning before getting to work on some housework.

After completing some household chores, my boss called to inform me that a client from the United Kingdom would be arriving the following day. I immediately went to the apartment to check that everything was in order and to clean it as well. As you can see from the apartment's photo below, I work in real estate here in Lagos, Nigeria.


After tidying up the apartment and making sure everything is in its place, I take a shower, put on some clothes, and then grab my phone to upload some pictures of our rental apartment on Jiji and on my own Instagram account.


Then, around 4 p.m., me and my friends went to the beach to take a look around; we paid the entrance fee of 3 thousand naira, which is equal to 18.89 Steem, and then we entered; it was really fun. Around 6 p.m., we started heading home; when I got there, I made beans and pap for dinner, which I just finished eating this evening; it was very good. Thanks for reading my post; I hope you all enjoyed it.

I'm inviting @ebeke @aghafavour and @josepha to participate in this contest.

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