Contest: Corruption can it be prevented? How?

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Hello everyone, how are you all doing today? It's another amazing day, and I'm always happy to be a part of the Steem Kids & Parent Community because they consistently organise a very interesting contest. Before I begin, let me give an immense shout-out to @udyliciouz for organising this fantastic topic, which is "Corruption Can It Be Prevented"** Which, in my opinion, will be stopped, I'm quite certain.

[Design from canva]

What is corruption!

Corruption is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offence that is practised by a person or organisation that relies on being in a strategically important position to get unfair benefits or abuse authority for their own gain.

Mention and explain 5 forms of corruption you know.

Corruption takes many different forms but might include:

1. Bribery.
The offering, promising, or giving of something to an official in order to influence them is known as bribery, which is a particular subset of corruption.

An illustration would be a building that promised a politician a 10% bribe in exchange for a sizable contract for public infrastructure.

2. Lobbying.
Any attempt to sway a government decision by an individual or a group of private interests is considered lobbying.

3. Extortion.
Extortion, particularly of money or other valuables, is the act or practise. the crime committed by a public official who engages in such behaviour, in particular.

4. Nepotism.
When a relative of a successful politician rises to similar status seemingly without the necessary qualifications, nepotism is a prevalent charge in politics.

5. Fraudulent activity.
Stealing money that you are in charge of or that belongs to your employer is known as embezzlement.

Give 4 causes of corruption in our society.


1. Increased market and governmental monopolisation, to start.

2. Weak democratic institutions, low levels of citizen engagement, and opaque political processes.

3. Increased levels of bureaucracy and ineffective administrative frameworks.

4. Limited financial freedom.

Explain 5 ways corruption can be prevented?

1.Update anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations.

2. Set a positive tone right away.

3. Incorporate the ABAC tenets into organisational culture.

4. Make sure gifts and hospitality meet important requirements.

5. Do your research on all third parties.

What can you personally do to prevent corruption in your locality.

In this regard, I'll ensure sure public monies are used to maintain schools, hospitals, roads, and other essential public services and projects. I'll also fight corruption in the public sector.

Additionally, reveal any hazards and dishonest practises that could otherwise go undetected.
maintain the integrity, accountability, and transparency of government.
aids in ending unethical behaviour.

What has Steemit teams and top members do to prevent the platform from corruption?

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[Design from canva]

The Steemit platform is one of the best ones I've ever used, and on this platform they've done everything they can to prevent corruption by establishing a Steemit key, without which no one can withdraw your steem coin. On other platforms, it's very simple to log into someone else's account using their password, but on Steemit it's difficult and no one can even understand or recognise when they see your Steemit key, so I always keep it safe.

Is there any penalty for those who try to corrupt Steemit platform?

Yes, there must be guidelines and penalties for breaking the rules on any successful platform. Similarly, on the Steemit platform, anyone caught trying to corrupt the system will suffer the appropriate penalties, which may include being banned from using the platform altogether or losing access to curator upvotes.

I'm inviting @josepha @ebeke and @esscaanoor to participate in this contest.

 last year 

You have spoken like a true politician and at same time a good one at heart as you seek to carry out public projects. Indeed corruption has spread it wings across the entire would and we are all needed to come together and put an end to it. It is indeed a masterpiece, thank you.

Hello @entity01, thank you for publishing your content in our community.

Club Status#club75
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
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Voting CSI5.2
Score (quality/rules)9/10
Verification date:2023-05-26
Corruption is avoided with education, if we are people with well formed principles and values we will be incorruptible, in steemit many people have been discovered with multiple accounts that is corruption but have also been sanctioned for that, greetings.

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 last year 

I am so agreed with the fact that lack of financial freedom causes people to be corrupt

 last year 

As you have said, integrity, accountability, and transparency of government.
aids in ending unethical behavior. That is the key, if our government adhere to this, curruption will be minimized.

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