SEC-S11W2 - My life as a parent or kid and joys and sadness.

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

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Greetings friends.
This is Shaikh Enamul Islam.
From #Bangladesh.

Assalamualaikum my dear friends. Hope all of you are very well and happy by God's grace .Alhamdulillah, I am well and healthy today. Now the second week's engagement challenge s-11 is running and I am very excited for this engagement challenge. The Steem kids & Parents Community has given a beautiful topic for this week and that is SEC-S11W2 - My life as a parent or kid and joys and sadness. I am very happy to participate in this contest because it’s a great contest and I am here today to share my joy and sadness with you all. So friends I hope all of you will like and enjoy reading my article. So without delay let's start.

mine.PNGAs a parent or a kid, tell us about a period when you had lasting joy.mine.PNG

I am the youngest son in our family and I am a student now, so today I am here to share a moment of my childhood happiness as a child. My lasting moment of joy was about three years ago when I became an uncle. . Before my nephew (name Nahid) came into this world, in our family's was not much joy. I also felt lonely at home then.


When my nephew is born I see a smile on everyone's face in our family and I am very happy too. I get a partner with whom I can spend quality time.Since I was little I loved spending time with children. As I grew up day by day I found a big part of my joy in playing with children. After my nephew was born, when I first held him in my arms I found a new friend around whom I have all my joys and I then found my lasting joy.


When I got my nephew I spent most of my days with him and I took care of all his affairs. I used to bathe my nephew, put him to sleep, change his clothes and I used to enjoy it very much. The moment was a new experience for me.

mine.PNGWhat have you done to ensure that this joy continues in your life and in the life of those around you?mine.PNG

We all know how happy it is to have a new member in a family. Allah has blessed us all by sending my nephew to our family.I have never been so happy when my nephew came to our family. We all had a great time in the family around my nephew and I used to keep my nephew with me most of the time. His mother was busy with housework and I took care of all his affairs.


Everyone in our family is very happy to have my nephew. I stay at home most of the time so I take care of my nephew most of the time. I am always careful that my nephew does not meet with any kind of accident. So I always keep an eye on my nephew and take care of his physical well being.

I have seen when my nephew gets fever everyone gets worried and sad for him. My nephew is the center of happiness in our family so I always try to give my nephew a happy and safe life. So that my whole family can have a happy life for him.

mine.PNGAs a parent or a kid, tell us about a period when you had sadness.mine.PNG

Every human life is full of happiness and sadness. No one can ever spend his life only in happiness because the creator has sent us in this world with a combination of this two things. We experience sadness in many ways in life and one of them is losing our loved ones. The saddest moment of my life was when I lost my dearest mother forever. Not too long ago,almost a year since my mother passed away.I can't imagine that I will lose my mother so soon.

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I have seen my mother sick since I was in class 6.My mother was suddenly diagnosed with mental problems and along with diabetes she also suffered from high blood pressure.She gradually stopped all activities and spent his life like this.I was constantly taking my mother's medicine, insulin and sometimes to the doctor.

But suddenly she fell seriously ill and we hospitalized her and found out she was having a brain stroke and a part of her body was immobilized.Later she recovered but due to my mother's mental problems and diabetes she fell seriously ill again and died while undergoing treatment for this illness. This moment was the saddest of my life and I now miss my mother very much.

mine.PNGWhat have you done to ensure that the period of sadness doesn't show up again in your life?mine.PNG

Death is inevitable in every human life and that is the eternal truth.. Some may die earlier some may die later but definitely death is fixed which is clearly mentioned by the creator in his holy books. But every human wants their close people to be by their side throughout life but accidents can happen to us at any point of life. And death is a moment whose sorrow never goes away. We always try to be patient. Because we know that once he dies he never comes back.

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I was devastated by my mother's death and I went through trauma for a long time. Whenever I used to go near my mother's room, I felt like she was calling me from inside the room.I try to be patient and pray to Allah for my mother's peace in the hereafter. The best way to keep yourself normal is to pray to God for the loss of a loved one, so I pray to God for my mother all the time. This is how I try to console myself with my mother's death.

This is an excellent contest and I am very happy to participated.Thanks to my beloved friends for reading my entire article.I hope you all read my article.. Before I finish my article I would like to invite my friends @solaymann @waterjoe , @pelon53, @msharif & @goodybest for this nice contest .

Best Regards





Greetings friend, the birth of a child fills homes with happiness. I imagine the joy he felt at the birth of his nephew. I wish you a happy day

 last year 

Thank you so much for this beautiful words. Have a beautiful day.

 last year 

Hola amigo cuando llega un nuevo miembro a la familia es motivo de mucha felicidad y todos queremos adorar y cuidar a ese nuevo miembro, son momentos de felicidad, pero la vida también es tristeza como tú lo dices,byo también perdí a mi querida suegra que fue como mi madre por un derrame cerebral y fue muy doloroso como cuando perdiste a tu madre pero así es la vida alegrías y tristezas

 last year 

Thank you so much friend for your beautiful words. The pain of losing a loved one is really painful.

Keponakan Anda yang bernama nahid terlihat sangat tampan, dan ini merupakan kebahagiaan yang luar biasa bagi Anda, saya dapat merasakannya. Saya juga pernah merasakan kegembiraan ketika anak pertama saya lahir ke dunia ini,dan ini tidak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Sangat indah..

Sukses untuk anda Brother.. ☺️


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @suboohi

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