SEC-S11W2-My life as a parent or kid and joys and sadness

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year


I have to admit that I love writing about children and parenting. This allows me to put my feelings on paper, or rather on the content of the post. Thanks to this, I also got to know my hidden thoughts that were deeply hidden in my head and develop more.

Let's start with the end, the sad moments with the baby. My daughter has been diagnosed with autism. My wife has been through this terribly. It made her depressed. I tried to support her as much as I could. After a while, I also began to worry about this situation. I had black thoughts in my head. I thought if my daughter had autism, we wouldn't be able to cope.


I've really had moments like this where I've had enough of life. Fortunately, my thoughts about this situation turned positive after a while. Thanks to this, I know that we can cope with everything, and my daughter, despite the fact that she has autism, is really a beautiful, cheerful, and very intelligent girl.

In order not to return to this state of consciousness, I think positively every day. Life is such that, unfortunately, it gives us adversity, but it is thanks to this that we really become stronger and are a better version of ourselves in the future.


The happiest time with my daughter is now. When a person has already arranged in his head and knows what to do, and realizes that any problem can be solved then he is happy. My daughter is starting to talk more and more. She had trouble speaking, but she's getting better. She goes to therapy regularly and you can really see the effects.

My wife and I, and of course my daughter, are very happy. My wife and I also went to a psychologist. There's really nothing to be ashamed of when you go to people like that. They help you understand many things in life. To do that, we think positively all the time. There are no such problems that a person does not solve, he simply does not know how to do it and you need to find out how. We understand that some adversity will come and some days will be sadder, but there is always another better day later.

I invite:



@emsonic, A very difficult situation that he went through when giving them the diagnosis of autism that his daughter presented.

Something difficult to handle since this news was not expected, in addition to the fact that they did not know how to handle that situation.

For these situations, both those with autism and their parents need therapy and professional help.

Thank God for what I see and you already have the necessary tools to face this situation and together as a family today you see light at the end of the tunnel.

And despite the circumstances they are happy since that is what your daughter needs, love and happiness.

I say goodbye wishing you have a happy day.

 last year 
 last year 

Thank you very much. WOW

 last year 

Hola amigo, te escribo algo, todos o la mayoría de las personas vivimos muy de cerca momentos tristes en la familia, con los hijos, nietos y hasta uno mismo.

Dios permite todas las cosas, para probar nuestras fortalezas y oír de nuestra boca pedir ayuda a él, ya que fué él quien nos dió la vida.

Gracias doy todos días por estar con ustedes y dando a conocer mi vida, donde solo está plataforma y red social @steemit ha hecho que expresemos nuestras inquietudes, preocupaciones alegrías y tristezas.

Me alegro mucho que has tenido mente positiva y deseo sigas teniendo más confianza, constancia y perseverancia en que tu hija va crecer y desarrollarse muy bien, no es la primera niña con ese problema.

Dios te continúe bendiciendo más a ti y tu esposa y también la niña tan linda.

Gracias por la invitación.
Que tengas una tarde felíz.

 last year 

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MODs Comment/Recommendation: So sorry about your daughter, but I'm glad that she's improving and started talking, You and your wifey are strong yes you're right happiness is the state of mind, when we think positively then we'll be joyful. Thanks for sharing your experience with us success!

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 last year 

Hi, my good friend.
It is good that writing has allowed you to see the situation in the best way, since in this way you support your wife and especially your daughter who, as you say, is very intelligent and realizes what is happening around you.
Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

Amigo, le confieso que lloré mientras leía tu post. Ya que me recordó el día que me dieron el diagnóstico de mi hijo menor, también con autismo. Pero siempre recuerdo las palabras del Neuropediatra cuando me dijo: tu niño tiene Autismo de alto funcionamiento, no es un extraterrestre, tampoco es una enfermedad, es una condición con la cual tienen que aprender a vivir y leer mucho ya que debes enfrentarte a muchas cosas.

Y así es amigo, ellos son seres tan brillantes, tan nobles, tan sinceros, que cada día nos enseñan y nos sorprenden con sus cosas. Cada paso, cada avance en ellos es una alegría inmensa e indescriptible que sentimos.

Siempre he escuchado que Dios manda niños especiales a seres especiales y ustedes tienen la dicha de tener una niña maravillosa.

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