Information And Communication Technology (ICT)

in Steem Kids & Parents9 months ago


Hello there, my fellow steemit friends. In my article today, I will want to enlighten us more on the on ICT (Information and Communication Technology).


The result of advances in science and technology and more importantly, in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have made the world to move at jet speed. Conversation with friends, partners, and relatives across the globe is no longer inhibited by distance or time. If you can't communicate by physical contact, you can do so by call or text, in picture or a combination of all these(Multimedia). This has facilitated fast decision making and it's attending benefits and profits cannot be paralleled.

Meaning of Information and Communication Technology
Information and Communication Technology are devices for gathering, processing, and storing of information (texts, images, graphs, for use by means of electronic devices such as computers, cameras, telephones, etc). ICT is concerned with processing, storing, retrieving, and communicating data to users.

Some ICT components

  1. Print media (Newspaper, Books, Journals, Magazines, etc.)

  2. Electronic media (Radio, TV, Film, etc.)

  3. Telephone and Mobile phones.

  4. Telex.

  5. Internet.

  6. Fax.

  7. Computers.

  8. Calculators.

Uses of Some ICT Components

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) components have many uses. For example, fax machine, telex devices are useful in sending and receiving messages (information) faster.

The telephone or mobile phones are used to pass on voice and text messages directly to the concerned, picture and multimedia messages can be sent through some mobile phones. It is very fast, effective and relatively cheap.

Internet facilities sending of text, and multimedia messages via Electronic mail(E-mail), Facebook can assist in locating a long time friend. Internet chatting is conversation with a friend or relative on the net. It can be textual, or multimedia. The most educating aspect is the search of information on any issue of interest on World Wide Web (W W W) using any of the numerous search engines e.g Google, etc.

Television enables one to receive multimedia information, news, entertainment and education.

Radio serves the same purpose as television only that radio relays audio information as against multimedia in television.

Importance Of ICT


ICT has impacted the world in many ways. It has led to globalization. The entire world has now become a small village where people can readily communicate in voice, text or multimedia with one another. ICT has considerably reduced the cost of communication because the internet stores information on millions (network) of computers around the world which are linked through the telephone system.
People use personal computers (PC) at home to contact their offices and transact business. Computers are used at airports in displaying flight information, in controlling traffic lights. ICT has facilitated the conduct of research in areas of data collection, analysis and also in genetic engineering, and in coding of DNA molecules. Electronic education (E- education), the use of the internet for registration, checking of results, paying school fees, etc.


I hope we have learnt how ICT has impacted our lives today, making a lot of things easier for you. Our thoughts and opinions are welcomed.



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Faxes are indeed still irreplaceable and their technology is in great demand among companies. Almost 80% of US companies still have a fax machine, which is very convenient. Also, you can get a free fax number, even if you don’t have a fax machine but need to receive a document online

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