SEC | S11W5-""""Recreation""""

in Steem Kids & Parents10 months ago


Greetings to you our distinguished parents and lovely kids, this series of engagements topic is timely and essential very important to everyone to look into so to improve our mental health.

Imagine a life without recreation ah people will develop more chronic sickness, almost everyone would have been diagnosed with depression, mental illness will be everywhere.

Let's dig deeper on this topic with the following questions for analysis

What do you understand by recreation, include it's forms?

Recreation is define base on how people understand it, to me it is time we spent in finding pleasure at our leisure. Recreation is very necessary in life that one need to create time out from busy schedules to create happiness for ourselves, the world is too busy and frustrating that if you don't create your own happiness time, you may fall sick and even die out of stress and frustration.

Giving myself a special treat of indoor recreation

There are different forms of recreational activities we can engage in to help relief us from our daily stress, such as indoor and outdoor activities which may include basketball, traveling for site viewing, hiking, walking, dancing, eating and drinking etc.

What type of recreational activities have you enjoyed (state 3 of them)

I've enjoyed a lot of recreational activities, I got married to a man who is into hospitality business which has to do with reception. He exposed me to different types of recreational activities and I enjoy my exposure since it helps me to manage stress and makes me avoid being depressed irrespective of what is happening arround me everyday.

Out door active with friends (beach party)

Based on my understanding there are two types of recreation outdoors and indoors activities, then this two types further have examples. I've enjoyed this all

Some of the activities I've enjoyed includes;

  • Physical activity; any forms of sport activity such as playing badminton, aerobic dance, swimming, dancing, art and craft making.
  • Social activities; social gathering with up building friends it could be party, beach, picnic
  • Traveling; I learn a lot while traveling or visiting different places, I learn a lot while doing this

Indoor recreation with a friend

Why are recreational activities important for kids and parents?

It helps one to widen out, reach out to more trusted friends which will always motivate and strengthen us when we need it more. Helps in brain functioning as you will relax your brain from stress this enhance the memory as well as expanding our knowledge.

Physical activity

Physical activities helps protect us against any chronic diseases such as normalising blood pressure, improve heart health, reduces depression, improves our sleep, helps in weight management.

It helps the children learn from the exposure and helps to build their communication skills as well as their skills in developing friendships.

Where do you enjoy your recreational activities most?

I enjoyed it outside because enough views and I like appreciating the wonderful creatures outside and I wouldn't be distracted enough concentration and I'm always more relaxed. It's allows myself to have the necessary rests it needs.

Family indoor party

Unlike indoors, I will be busy with either cooking or arranging things or paying attention to baby. All this distraction won't allow my body to get the rests and free my mind and enjoy.

Who do you enjoy having recreational activities with?

Fun time with my guy

Like I mentioned above, I enjoyed it most with my hubby 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨👩‍❤️‍👨 he makes me feel fine and we have enough time to talk which helps boost our communication skills and strengthen our marriage bond.

I enjoy it too with my family members and true friends.

Party with friends

Recreation is something no one would like to miss, it is my everyday business as working in a recreational center is also part of my work or daily activities so I find time to do so often. If you do so too you will find peace at all times and stay happy irrespective of this hard time that is hard to deal with.

I will like to invite @cive40 @mile16 and @pelon53 to hear their view on this topic.




Hola amiga es un gusto saludarte me alegra mucho que te guste tomarte tu timepo libre y disfrutar, ya que como bien dices, ayuda a relajar el cerebro a pensar mejor y a actuar de la mejor manera.

También me alegra que disfrutes con tu esposo, paseen juntos y fortalezcan su vida matrimonial.

Lo mejor es que parte de tu trabajo es recreacionar, me encanta, debes tener una vida muy alegre.

Deseo que tengas mucho éxito en el concurso, saludos cordiales amiga!!


 10 months ago 

Hello how are You? 😍
Mi inglés es muy malo 😂 mejor te escribo en español 😂😂, estoy ansiosa de que llegue el día en que Jehová nos permita recrearnos libremente sin el temor de ahora y nos permita ser más perfectos para aprender todos los idiomas y entendernos mejor .

Gracias por la linda invitación a este desafío, nuestro creador es el Dios feliz y desea que también seamos felices y para ello nos permite recrearnos sanamente con nuestros amigos y familiares.

Me encantan las formas en que te diviertes, amo la playa, y las caminatas en la naturaleza.

Te deseo mucho éxito en tu participación mi querida linda amiga y hermana, .😍

Hahahaha thank you so much I'm looking forward to the same time we will enjoy a peaceful earth too. I really want this language barrier to come to an end, Jehovah will definitely answers our prayers.

Thank you for your good comment and wishes

 10 months ago 

Así será! Y tendrás que enseñarme muchas comidas nigerianas 😍😍

 10 months ago 

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Review Date22/08/2023

MODs Comment/Recommendation: You too like enjoyment joor 😜 it's good for our entire well-being, I meant we are social-being and recreation makes it possible for us to bond with one another, to enjoy life relaxed and relieved stress. Success!

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Lols enjoyment is good to our health, thank you for your review

 10 months ago 

Buenas noches amiga eliany

Al disfrutar de esparcimiento o recreación, con amigos uno lo pasa muy bien porque reímos y nos olvidamos de las preocupaciones del día a dia, no importa que sea fuera o en casa lo importante es aprovechar el momento y guardar buenos recuerdos.

Me gustaría conocer otros países y culturas en largos viajes, como tu país y podernos conocer en persona.
Pronto gracias a nuestro Dios Jehová lo podremos hacer, También podré invitarte a venir aquí a mi casa y compartir buenos momentos junto a @mile16 🤗

That will be so fine we all look forward to that time when we will be able to travel to other places and visit our beloved friends.

 10 months ago 

Entertainment is an important part of our life. People's life is never good without entertainment. Everyone's life should have more or less entertainment. Be it with family or friends. It's great to see these moments of entertainment with all of you. In the midst of a thousand busy lives, there should be entertainment for some time, it is good for both the body and the mind. I pray that you enjoy with your family, friends and enjoy every moment. Everyone should consider entertainment as a part of life like you

Thank you for your nice comments and best wishes I appreciate it so much.

I love the way you labeled each of the pictures you posted here ma, is really amazing.

I can see that you love partying alot and you are always with your friends. Outdoor recreation is always fun because we do it most times with nature.

Your baby must be a child that always disturb you whenever you are observing your indoor recreational activities. Don't worry with time she will grow and become a teenage girl.

Haha oh thank you so much 🤠

You are welcome ma

 10 months ago 

Saludos amiga, la recreación nos ayuda a relajar nuestra mente a recargar las pilas
La recreación forma parte de nuestro bienestar, y disfrute.
La lectura de un buen libro puede recrearnos además que nos imparte enseñanza
Disfrutar con nuestros seres queridos es la mejor compañía

Oh yea that's true, thank you so much

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