The Diary Game . 23/07/2023 : Beautiful moments of the day / Steem Kids & ParentssteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Kids & Parents10 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum,
Beautiful moments of the day

The Diary Game

Dearest Diary !

I woke up at 6.00 am. I woke up and went out to exercise. I walked for a long time. I did some exercise and felt very good. Morning weather is very nice. I felt better. Then I came back home at 7.00 am.

image location
camera: samsung j2 prime.

I came home and went straight to the bathroom. I freshened up and brushed my teeth. Bathed and dressed.This morning I had breakfast. I had breakfast with banana bread. Usually in the morning, bread, banana and boiled eggs are eaten as breakfast. Also, on other days, bread is eaten with vegetables or dal bhaji.

Pic: Breakfast .

Anyway after breakfast I headed towards office. Today the motorcycle is not good. Why is it not starting. So I walked towards office. It is very hot outside and the body is sweating. However, there is nothing to do, I have to go to the office, I have to work, I continued to walk slowly. I stood for a while. After a long time a rickshaw came for the rickshaw. I sat on the rickshaw. As if I got a little relief. The sweat of the body started to dry. Started to like a little.

Finally reached the office. Reached the office and saw many customers sitting for their work. Usually I reach the office by 9.00 o'clock .But today it is a little late to walk. So it was a little difficult because I was sitting for a long time. Anyway, I listened to everyone. I did their work. Then they went home happily. Suddenly the electricity went off. It was very hot. After a while, the electricity came again. I started working again. While working, it was time for lunch. I brought some food with me and ate it.

Then some people came for their work. I listened to their work and tried to do their work. They were very happy. Due to their work being finished too soon. They thanked me and went home.

However, it was getting late, so I slowly headed home again at 3.00 pm. On the way home, I saw the agricultural fair. Many kinds of trees. Many kinds of tree seedlings, many kinds of flowers, many kinds of flowering plants. I saw fruit trees, medicinal plants. We can learn many things from the agricultural fair. It creates a love for agriculture in people. Love for trees is created. Seeing each other they are encouraged to plant trees.

Image Location
pic: The agricultural fair
Camera: samsung j2 prime

At least one of us should plant saplings at home. I saw many trees. I saw the flower seedlings. It was very good. Plant seedlings are being sold at the stalls of each stall. Flower seedlings are being sold. Medicinal plant seedlings are being sold. I have been looking at them for a long time. It is a good initiative. Friends, you can also plant one fruit tree, medicinal plant around your house. By doing this, our environment will be more beautiful and pleasant. We will get a green world as a gift.

Image Location
Pic: The agricultural fair Selfi
Camera: samsung j2 prime.

Anyway headed home again. I came home and had something to eat and drink. Then I went to the TV room to watch TV, today is my day very special. Then I saw on TV that such tree fairs and agricultural fairs are being held in different parts of the country.

Then I started reading a story book. The story was very good. The more I read it, the better it gets. Getting a little sleep again. However, at 5.00 pm I went out for sports. Usually I play football. Sometimes I play volleyball. I like playing volleyball very much. It gives good exercise to the body and is very fun as a team. I did some photography before returning home in the evening.

Photography picture.

Anyway it was getting late. Returned home at 6.30 pm. I came home and took a shower. Then I sat down with the newspaper after getting fresh. I saw many types of news, accidents, sports news, entertainment, news of various happenings in the world, etc.

Had dinner at 8:30. I wanted to eat khichuri today. So I was cooking khichuri. My khichuri is very dear. Sometimes khichuri is cooked and eaten.

After eating and drinking I sat down to watch TV. I saw the news on TV. It was very good to watch a movie. So I watched the movie for a long time. I usually watch Kolkata Bengali movies. Sometimes I watch Hindi movies. Anyway was getting sleepy. So I went to sleep at 10.00 pm. Friends end here as of today. I will come back to you again with a new diary. Until then, stay well and stay healthy. Thank you.


Thank You ❤❤❤❤❤ Steem Kids & Parents ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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