Writing contest: Poverty, can it be reduce? How?

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Photo by ding lei from Pexels: source
Hello steemians and dear friends I greet you all. Happy new week. And trust you are living well. It's a new contest of the week in here, Steem for kids and parents community. Am very delighted to participate, the topic is of great interest and very important challenge facing average citizens of any country especially the underdeveloped, "poverty". By getting through the questions below, I have aired my view and disclosed my own ideas on the subject matter. "Poverty, can it be reduce? How?"

What is Poverty?

Photo by Mumtahina Tanni from Pexels: source
Poverty is lack of basic needs of life. There are basic things which when they are not available for man to have and make use of them for the sustainance of life or man doesn't have enough of them to serve the same purpose of sustainability, the state is poverty or the man in such lack, is said to be poor. The basic needs of life, include money, food, clothing, shelter and job etc. When all theses and more is lacking in the life of people, the are said to be in lack, which is poverty.

Photo by Shardar Tarikul Islam from Pexels: source
Poverty is the low state in life where the individuals are unable to solve and cater for their basic needs. It's a state of hunger and suffering, it's a situation of having little or no money, little or no foods, characterised, by begging, starvation, diseases, and discouragement. Poverty is having nothing to leave and liverage on, to survive.

List and explain 5 causes of poverty.

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels: source
1, laziness: laziness triggers poverty because a lazy person, is unable to work, when others are working so to be able to put food in his table. And of course, who doesn't work shouldn't eat. So laziness is people's inability to dedicate themselves to working in order to earn a living. Laziness is unwillingness to work or working little. Therefore, laziness can cause poverty.

2, maladministration: this is just bad government, a government that doesn't not provide job opportunities for its citizens. A government, whose policies and programs never allow any meaningful business to thrive. A government with huge taxation, political commotions and unstable rulership. Government whose order and Constitution, is very capricious. Citizens who found themselves under such government, are forced to be poor because their means of livelihood shall be terribly hindered. Therefore maladministration can cause poverty.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels: source
3, War or disasters this is the state of destruction of properties and life, where people's belongs are damaged and consumed by the disaster, hence placing the survival in lack of basic needs that where sustaining them before the incidence hence placing them in lack and abject poverty. Therefore disasters can cause poverty.

4, lost of job: this is a situation where someone who has been working, lost his job to a circumstance, he couldn't control and definitely, unable to provide the basic needs for himself and the family as usual, the person is said to have become poor and in the state of poverty.

5, Underemployment: most people are actually employed but the payment or salary received is so meagre that it's not enough to sustain them. This category of people are said to be working but poor because almost everything, the try to eke. So unemployment causes poverty.

Explain at least five consequences of poverty.

1, poverty, causes hunger and starvation: when people have nothing or less to eat, the are bound to suffer hunger and consistently, might starve.

2, Poverty cause societal negligence and relegation, this means, people don't regards a poor ones and their opinions doesn't count. The face societal discrimination and class abuse.

3, poverty, can cause sickness and diseases, since there is no foods or enough food to eat that keeps their bodies healthy, they fall sick, consistently contract diseases because of the law immunity.

4, poverty can cause of stunted growth in person and in career. Poor person, is likely never get to the Hight of growth, he should have attained as well as career because of lack of food and money respectively.

5, Poverty left people with no choice of job and food. Poor people are classless and and accept any suffering in order to survive. So those and more are the consequences of poverty.

What are the poverty alleviation strategies you know and how can it helps reduce poverty.

1, Avoidance of laziness, people should stop being lazy, and work hard and harder. This will reduce poverty.

Photo by Element5 Digital from Pexels: source
2, Good governance, government should create job opportunities for its citizens and creat enabling environment for businesses to thrive.

3, World peace, should be preached and embreast to avoid war and emback on good management on scientific advice to reduce natural disasters. These Will reduce poverty since people's life and property shall be safe at all times.

What can you personally do to alleviate poverty in your locality.

I am of course hardworking, projects that will give me money tomorrow, making plans for the future, been guided by my previous experience and never want it reap itself. So hardworking and adequate planning is my watch word.

Can steemit helps alleviate poverty? Explain.

Yes! Steemit can and already at it by having the platform itself right now, it's reducing poverty. And it can do more by offering a special support to people who have great dreams and can prove it which should be enveloped in terms and condition to protect the platform and not strict to access by the merited concerned individuals. This way they have added more flavour their aim on ground to this effect.

Thank you invite @josepha, @entity01 and @bela90

 last year 

Hello @ebeke, thank you for your wonderful contest entry in our community today. We have assess your entry and we present the result of our assessment below.

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With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @josepha, member of team #2 at 30%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 15/05/2023


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Thank you very much team 2 am grateful.

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