The importance of tree planting in our sorounding environment.

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Photo by Alfo Medeiros from Pexels: source
I greet you all my very good friends in here, how are you doing today? I trust you are in good healthy and fit. Happy new week to you. I am very delighted to meet with you once again this week with my usual daily posts, you might definitely find highly interesting. In my today's blog, I want to talk informatively on the importance of tree planting around us, in the farmland, homes and the various industrial locations. I welcome you all to today's publication on the importance of tree planting in our sorounding environment.

Photo by Olga Divnaya from Pexels: source
Trees are the environmental vegetations, dominant of the ecosystem. The importance and usefulness of trees can not be time exhaustible disclosing them. The importance and use of trees is of avalanche numeration and range. Trees are important, economically, commercially, in health, security, and too many more to mention but a few. Today we want to briefly look at the importance of these trees planting in our sorounding environment, why it's most necessary to cultivate the habit ourselves and as well inculcate and build the culture of tree planting in our children so the can grow in the orientation.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels: source
Trees are planted to protect us and our houses from disastrous wind storms, it is planted for economic values where timber is extracted for building construction, the fruits, and leaves are plucked and sold in return for money, they're of its various parts, used for both traditional and English medicines, it's source of wood used for cooking. Trees prevent erosion and flooding, in the afternoon, we feel very comfortable staying under tree shades due to the biological exchange of airs.

Photo by Gary Barnes from Pexels: source
Trees are source of food, wood, manure and various fruits and vegetables, thinking of the inexhaustible usefulness of trees, it becomes a culture of priority that each day we struggle to plant one tree wherever available. Some tree types does not take too much long to mature, those for timber production may take longer, but those for fruiting, vegetables, shades and many more doesn't take long to mature. Trees has a very long life span, to be enjoyed by self, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren so long such trees is cared for.

Photo by Zen Chung from Pexels: source
Let us plant and replace every fell trees for necessities. It should be a part of culture, as soon realised that tree is part and parcel of life and earth, forbidding of unnecessary deforestation or careless falling down of trees. The importance and use of tree can't be exhausted talking about. Let us plant trees today, ourselves, kids, let it be a culture for all. If you want to enjoy the gifts and packages of tree products through out life time and old age start to plant trees now, inculcate the habit in our children, teaching them the suitable position, places, time and the tree type suitable for each location as well. Tree planting and trees are of immeasurable importance and usefulness, let's plant trees today, we shall be very happy and glad that we did.

Thank you my friends and lovely kids for joining my today's creative writing on the importance of tree planting in our sorounding environment.

 last year 

Hello @ebeke , thank you for publishing your content in our community,

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 last year 

Thank you very much my friend for your candid verification🙋.

 last year 

Hola hay personas que se molestan cuando talan un arbol, como cuando matan animales para el consumo humano.

Todo esto ya es parte de una vid de hace años, es un ciclo criamos animales para alimentarnos.

Se usan los arboles para la fabricación de muchas cosas, pero también se plantan otros para reponer, porque no es una tala de arboles asi por gusto, es por algo que creo considero es necesario, ejemplo los lapices de creyon, con que escribiriamos entonces.

En las escuelas antes se enseñaba a los alumnos a plantar arboles, pero eso ya no se hace.

 last year 

Thank you so much dear friend for your valued comments.

 last year 

I really enjoy walking in a place filled with trees, and enough space especially when I'm stressed, it brings a peaceful feeling.

 last year 

That's great. Trees are in greens and life itself. Thank you for visiting my posts today.

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