If phones were humans

in Steem Kids & Parents10 months ago (edited)

Hello Steemians, I hope you're having a fantastic time. I'm super excited to be part of this adventure. It's time to roll the boat. Let's roll.


It was prophesied in the HOLY SCRIPTURES that a time would come when they shall be increased in knowledge and I guess that time is with us. This sporadic knowledge increase has immensely affected the communication system. The phone is one of the most common modern communication gadgets that is still undergoing technological upgradings which has been abused by so many users.

Would your phones be alive today if it were a human? Give reasons for your answer

Designed in Canva

Someone said that when something is over-used or misused it becomes useless. Does it apply to phones? Well, I can't tell because I'm sure I fall in the category of persons who make judicious use of the phone maximizing its full potential with little or no sympathy. If my phone was to be a human it would have been posted on a flex with the caption "GONE SO SOON" with lots of bruises on its body due to maltreatment and must have gotten to the middle of the deep blue sea times without number due to the many times it falls on the floor and other hard surfaces. Sometimes, I purposely throw it on the sofa. When I go for night classes I put the phone inside my bag where there's no fresh air just to prevent theft. Humans can't survive in an airtight environment for hours. There are some situations some humans find themselves and all they would be wishing themselves is for death to visit them. This is what my phone has always wished itself because most times I multitask with it for instance I might be playing music and at the same time browsing on multiple tabs. In humans, this could lead to complete destabilization.

Do you give your phones rest or do you make it work 24/7?

During creation, God created THE DAY and THE NIGHT. The night is to be a time when we become inactive. But funny enough, there are some people who when they are inactive their phones are still active. For instance, they can play music with their phones while having a rest. Even though I use the phone a lot I still give it some space to attend to other activities of the day. But in some rare cases especially when there is constant electricity for the week I make use of a phone 24/7 but some of this time the phone will just be receiving electrical charges into its capacitor which I still believe is subjected to doing a mild work.

Describe a situation where your phone might feel happy, sad, or frustrated.

My phone has had a bite of happy, sad and frustrated moments.

A child who feels his parents are not treating him well will always be happy when they're not around.

There was a day I was returning from school. I made use of the school shuttle from the school's main campus. While on the bus, I was using the phone to check out certain things. At some point, I put back the phone into my pocket. Sadly, when I got home, I brought out the phone to use, and to my greatest shock I discovered that the screen had been damaged, I was so sad and angry because at that point I never had any funds for the replacement of the damaged screen. I had no choice but to remove the most important SIM card and slot it into my button phone to avoid communication gaps. The phone was abandoned for almost a week or thereabout. That period was like the Christmas season for the phone because it was just where I kept it without being assigned any responsibility. I strongly feel the phone must have been very happy during those periods of hibernation.

What advice do you have on phone usage?

We should know that every gadget has its PROS and CONS and the phone is not exempted. So, I will advise phone users not to be so entangled or glued to their phones because of some health hazards which may include SIGHT PROBLEMS as a result of constantly viewing the phone's screen. If they have to stay longer focusing on the screen, it should be done in a well-lit environment to reduce the effect of the phone's light rays from focusing on the retina. Also, phone users should be conscious of their environment, and not to use their phones in places where phones are prohibited so as not to accumulate problems for themselves like in a gas station, while walking on a highway, while driving, while eating, etc.
They should try as much as possible to always keep their phones some distance away from themselves to avoid direct contact with electromagnetic waves. THERE'S ONLY ONE LIFE. They shouldn't use their phones to their detriment. They should always consider their health.
At this juncture,I will invite @akwaowo @bossj23 @nsijoro to participate in this contest.

 10 months ago 

This is quite interesting and funny as well because I barely see you use phone the way I do but you're already saying your phone would have been long gone. What about mine? It's interesting to know your advice on phone usage. I wish we can all learn lessons. Wishing you best of luck in this contest but next time, ensure appropriate paragraphing of your work to avoid scaring readers. Thanks for sharing

 10 months ago 

Thank you dear, correction noted

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