SEC | S11W4-""""more freedom""""

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Hello everyone hipe you are doing great, i am also blessed, today i am going to participate another wonderful contest and the topic is just waooo """"more freedom"""". No doubt freedom is always needed in life either its in thinking, decision making or in growing phase of kid, it can not be denied.


What do you understand to be freedom as a parents or kid?

Well!!! In my point of view freedom means there should be no restrictions in the life of kids or parents and let them live in their own way rather than limiting them do this and don't do this.

Now the questions come is it happened in real life can we give full freedom without the limiting zone???. Is full freedom can be lead to successful life. My answer is yes but it depends in which type of environmental conditions a child is grown up.

When I was a kid you know my abu give me full freedom of playing, studying and decisions making and you know o never did wrong. I thought as a kid if my abu is not stopped me it means he was checking me if i do something wrong or go ahead and truly i nevery disheartening him and i have made a limiting zone by myself.

My doll playing

Being a mom of a kid i never stopped my doll from doing anything as i wish she do creativity and grow well without the restraint. If i will stop her from certain things she will wanted to why mom is stopping i should do it.

What can make you to grant more freedom to your kids or what can you do to earn more freedom?

As i said earlier i have given full freedom to my doll whatever she wanted to do, restrictions will urge her to know why i stop her why there are few limits that i set around her.

I received full freedom in my life from my abu and you know i am one of the ladly daughter of my abu e knew i will never misuse of anything whatever the situations came.

My doll on swing and enjoy the freedom

But still it based on the relationship of kids with parents either these are lively, broad or parents not giving them time and attention then might be this freedom may be harmful for the kids life.

My doll wanted to climb window with more freedom

Advantages and disadvantages of freedom both to parents and kids.

In my opinion there are certain advantages and disadvantages of the freedom both for kids and parents.

Here are advantages of freedom in the life of kids.

  • If freedom is given to the children it enabled them to grow better.

  • Kids feel independent and more creative in their fields.

  • Confidence level increased in kids it enabled them decision making.

  • Free in though helpful in making productive in their daily life and their mind is free and clear.

  • Enjoy life more as their is less restrictions.

Of course disadvantages are also there as the excess of anything is sometimes no so good especially in this modern era.

  • If we not checking while giving them full freedom sometimes it spoiled the life of kids.

  • They thought we can do anything in life especially boys it may either smoking etc.

  • If parents are given full freedom and become carefree the kids shows lack of accountability and develop bad habits while spending their time with other bad friends.

What can cause one to lose the freedom he or she has?

As a parents when gave freedom to kids without set a limited zone it mean we let them to play and enjoy life in their own way but still its our responsibility to train them in childhood what is good for them or what they can not do so.

Its the matter of home training by parents otherwise i have seen children become stubborn and they wanted to do whatever is in their mind.

Then if we wanted to take back fredom from them it will make them worst citizens as they will search the negative way to find again full freedom.

So it should be taught since childhood their limiting zone by practically doing so that they can enjoy the benefits of freedom more.

Why is freedom necessary?

Freedom is the real joy of life its needed in life making it more independent and less oppression. Limits sometimes are good but in mature age these are not good as it may urge us to do it why i can not do this, its my life.

As i am grown up in family without the limits and have full freedom if someone will stopped me it would not be accepted by me as i mature enough and knew my limits very well.

Its all about my today's post, i would like to invite my dear friends @janemorane, @elrazi and @chiomzy810 to take part in the contest.


Greetings friend, to be free is to have no restrictions, each person has the right to choose what they want to be. I wish you a happy day.


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