Joined Family System or Seperate Home which one is better for kids upbringing? by @dave-hanny

in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago (edited)



Hi amazing world.

I love you all, I respect and honour your presence on my blog, thank you very much fo your time and I hope to see your support through comment and I wish us all the best as we steem on together. A very special thanks to the user @uzma4882 for such an interesting contest that will help our families to grow to the best kind.

Family is the coming together of father, mother and children. We have two types of family in my part of the world and they are: Nuclear and extended family. Nuclear family consist of father, mother and her children while the extended family consists of all the family relatives.

Alot of marriages now are broken therefore, leads to the separation of the mother from the father of vice versa and most times leads to the waywardness of the children which is very bad for their lives. Children are meant to grow with their parents to learn certain things that would help them grow to be good adults and change their generation but with the separation of these children it will lead them to alot of wayward lives.

Joined family is the best because the children will grow under the roof of their parents. One special thing I love about parent is the fact that they can never seat back to watch their children becoming wayward, every parent's desire is to see his or her children to be better and best especially in intelligence, humbleness and self discipline.

There was a certain time when my mother looked to my face in tears and said, if not for the sake of my children I would have left this house because she cant bear it anymore, I joined her in tears despite I don't even know the reason she was crying but as I keep growing, I realised that mummy and daddy do have quarrels sometimes. I must thank my mother for the patience to stay with my daddy till date. My daddy is not a jovial kind of person, sometimes they fight but even at that, they reconcile and stay back together again.

In concousion friends, our parents endured it, we can also endure to stay in marriages so as to give our children the best and not creating separate homes for our children. Thank you all for reading through my post I invite this great personalities to support and join the contest too. I love you all...


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