SEC17 WK:#3: large and small families, likes and dislikes

Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. im @danish578 from Pakistan and you are reading my bloq On steemit platform.You all are welcome here with my deep of heart.

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This is my participation in a contest SEC17 WK:#3: large and small families, likes and dislikes organized in Steem Kids & Parents Community
by @steemkidss

Large and small families, Which i will choose

AssalamAleikum, everyone is well as you are reading my post and I have been asked that if I am given a choice between a big family and a small family, which one would I choose, I would prefer a big family. There are some reasons for preferring a big family and there are also some reasons for not choosing a small family, which I will share with you all below. Hope everyone will like it.



Why would I choose a large family over a small family?

I will choose a large family because I am a Muslim and I know that the God's creation is pure and gives risks and I should not worry about the fact that if my family is big, they will live in abundance and they will not get risks, so I am not worried about this at all.

Apart from this, a large family is liked everywhere and when your sons and daughters grow up, there are many people to support them. Their sisters too, if your family is big, then if someone faces any difficulty, everyone will stand together and this is the family due to which there will be prosperity in the house.



Likes And Dislikes Of Large and small Family

Likes Of large and small families

Large family

  1. As I have said above, the biggest purpose of a large family and the reason for liking it is that brothers and sisters get support from each other.

  2. It is Allah's Creator who gives the risk. We should not worry about whether our children will be healthy or not.

  3. And the third thing is that when the family becomes large, there will be more quarrels and gossip in the house.

Small Family

  1. The advantage of a small family is that if the family is small then you can raise your children well.

  2. And apart from this, if your family is small then your love for your children will also be more.

Dislikes Of large and small families

Large Family

  1. The number one dislike of a large family is that if hatred develops in them, they will keep quarreling with each other.

  2. Besides, in a large family many parents are taunted for being more biased towards their younger son.

Small Family

  1. Now if we talk about small families, the dislike in them is that firstly, if there are fewer sisters, they don't get enough time to be happy and play with each other. Because in a small family, there can be only 1 son or daughter.

  2. Apart from this, because of fewer sisters, there is less support for each other. Because the family is small and if the family grows, it is obvious that all the members of the family will connect with each other and become a strong family.

10% to @steemkidss

I'm Inviting @naka05, @steemdoctor1 @chasad75 @fjjrg
for participate in this contest.

My Achievement 1 Link

Thank you for visiting my post

 4 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on large and small families. It's great to see your own view as a Muslim and how your beliefs shape your views on family size.
Have come to understand that every family is unique, and what works for Mr A may not work for Mr B.

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Please explain: I can't understand

what works for Mr A may not work for Mr B.

 4 months ago 

What I mean here is that what works for you might not work for another person

Yes, you are absolutely right that what works for me may not work for anyone else, and what is right for someone else may not work for me.

 4 months ago 

Hello my guy 🤩, is good to read your post today because is totally a unique one as you said you prefer an extended family than a nuclear family.

Yes it is good to always be optimistic as even if we have a large family God will definitely help us. Yeah Muslims love to have large families and they always have wonderful time together.

Yes, of course, I also believe that Allah helps and Allah Himself has taken the responsibility of sustenance.

Thank you very much for reading my post and making a good comment.

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