in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)


Thank you @steemkidss for this contest. I saw among the comment section a statement that @meymeyshops made and I stand to reemphasize on what was said

This is a worthy contest because everyone came from a family.

Indeed every single one of us came or belong to a family one way or the other. What then is a family?
I remember back in high school, I was made to understand that a family is a group of people to whom you’re related either blood, by adoption or by marriage. But personally I think the concept of family transcends beyond that grass root definition. My dad told me that a family is anyone who makes you happy, corrects you when you’re wrong and stands by you when all hope is lost.


My grandparents and myself

The ideal goal of family is to give you that sense of belonging and togetherness, all families are not really the same. The difference mainly lies in the membership of that family. I have classified family into three main types or forms so to speak;

  • Biological family
  • Social Family
  • Spiritual family

Biological Family

The people to whom you’re related to by blood or by marriage. Your parents and cousins and aunties all constitute this type of family.


My Dad and my little brother

Social Family

The social family I believe is the larger type of family that we can belong to. This is because members of this family ranges from all manner of social interactions and communities we find ourselves in. For instance, I have friends I can call family in school and even on steemit.
This blockchain is a social family since it gives me that sense of belonging especially whenever people comment on my post or my drawings. I feel so appreciated and encouraged and it’s only a family that does that for an individual. Even the people you work with can be considered as your family.


My mates and myself having fun together

Spiritual Family

This family affects your life spiritually. It can be members of your church. Maybe you’re a member in the choir or a dancing group. The constant check up from these fellow members give you that sense of belonging. The people that pray with you everyday at the mosque too can serve as a type of family if you’re a Muslim. You noticed that whenever you find yourself among this spiritual family, your life kind of uplifts itself or you grow well spiritually but the moment you drive yourself away, you tend to grow weaker in your faith.

…Do not forsake the assembly of the brethren.
Hebrews 10:25


My church squad

Bare in mind that, though you would expect so much from your family, there will definitely be days of disappointment. My family may not necessarily be the ideal type of family but should we die and come back to life, I would still like to belong to the family I have. All the types so to speak. My parents ain’t the richest but they do their best to provide for my siblings and I. My mates aren’t always good towards me but they have their good days where we really have fun and laugh about each others jokes. Steemit has its on and off days as well. You can write a very good post and receive not even a single vote😂 but there are days , the blockchain surprises as well.


You May belong to different faiths but still be a family

We are all not perfect but working towards achieving the impossible perfection.

In other to contribute my quota, I will just have to be myself. No pretense whatsoever in every area I find myself. I can improve my family by taking my studies serious so that my parents money doesn’t go to waste. I can ignore the countless times I don’t get votes on the platform and keep posting to improve upon steemit. I can overlook some of the childish behavior of my mates and advice myself to not do same and I can take my spiritual life more serious. I am actually doing all these at the moment which is an indication that I’m improving upon my families; ain’t I ?

Family is all about unity and togetherness and love. Let’s continue to spread the love to all and try to overlook our individual differences.
Family isn’t just about blood relations. Family is basically everyone who has shared love or even thought of you before and family is that someone who hates you so much for no reason; they exist to encourage and motivate you in a way. So appreciate them as well.


Thank you for finding time to read my post. Please be safe, practice social distance and don’t forget to mask up for a family somewhere looks up to you and expects you to survive and make them proud. I invite @jhayss @dentil , @gamma21 and @realhavenn to write their views on this interesting topic.

Peace ✌🏽✌🏽


 3 years ago 

Wow nice. Stay blessed happy and healthy life with your family. ❤

Sure 😊. May you also be blessed with yours as well🙏

Yesooo, family is not only by blood, if one can make you feel at home, console and support you when you are depressed he is your family.

On point 👍🏽

Dear @daakye, your impression about family is commendable, I personally agree with you. This part impressed me

But personally I think the concept of family transcends beyond that grass root definition. My dad told me that a family is anyone who makes you happy, corrects you when you’re wrong and stands by you when all hope is lost.

I've experienced the above. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading😊
I’m glad you could relate with me on the concept family 👍🏽

 3 years ago 

Great Great

Hola @daakye tienes una familia hermosa, es cierto cuando afirmas que a veces la familia no puede ser lo que esperamos que sea, pero lo importante es saber perdonar y amarla por sobre todas las cosas. Todos somos una familia, gracias por compartir ese pensamiento. Exito.

You’re welcome dear. I’m also grateful you took time off your busy schedule to read my post.

Family is all in all🥰

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