Weekly contest- My day in words and pictures| Lectures Begins

in Steem Kids & Parents8 months ago (edited)
Hello, steemians from all over the world. Greetings to you all. I trust you are all doing great? I'm excited to tell you about my day.

I woke up this moring by past 6 am. I did my morning devotion, where i prayed and read my Bible. Lectures has resumed fully, and we were to have one by 11am.
There was no food, so i preparwd beans and potatoes.

I love beans and potato too, combining both of them is always very delicious . After cooking the food, i took my bath, ate and left for lectures.
I got to the lecture hall few minutes past the time but i was glad the Lecturer had not artived yet.
Many students were already sitted and the hall was almost full.
After waitng for a while, the lecturer came in and the class commenced. It was an organic Chemistry class.



During the class, we learnt about the functional groups, homologous series, Isomerism etc.

I learnt something interesting which is that some drugs contain optical property.


This makes them carry out some optical activities such as changing its composition when exposed to heat, sun or hign temperature. It means that such drugs that have this property can become poisonous and harmful to health as a result of exposure to sunlight or heat.

So its best we don't expose our drugs to high temperature or sunlight in order not to change its properties. The lecture lasted for two hours, then we dismissed.

While i was walking home, the distance was a bit far, so i decided not to stress my brain by thinking about how far it was. I took my time to observe my environment while walking and I noticed so many new things, I've not been seeing all the while.

I noticed some houses got repainted and they were looking sparkling. I also noticed some fruits like the Star Apple. Some of the fruits were riped, and I realized we have entered its season.

Soon, it will be everywhere. I was excited.
I really had a nice time looking and observing things in my environment while walking.

This brought about a different feeling altogether. I learned to appreciate the things around me.



When I got home, I rested and ate. Then I went to church around 4:30. When I returned it was already so late. This is because the church bus had to go round dropping off people. I was the last that alighted.

Thank you very much for reading.
I invite my friends @zekanem #saintkelvin17 @eveetim.


Oh, comfortpeter, tu narración es tan emocionante que olvidé respirar. 🌬️ Desde tu travesía heroica con los frijoles y las patatas hasta la emocionante epopeya de la clase de Química Orgánica, ¿cómo manejas tanta emoción sin un traje de superhéroe? 🦸‍♂️ La caminata introspectiva por el vecindario debe haber sido como un paseo por el parque temático de la emoción. 😅 ¡Realmente, cada día tuyo parece una montaña rusa de adrenalina! 🎢 ¡Enhorabuena por esa vida tan llena de acontecimientos! 👏😂

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much for your wonderful engagement. I love the way you write. Keep it up.
It was interesting to read your comment.

 8 months ago 

You really had a good day. Hope you enjoyed your meal. School life isn't easy but you will sail through. I wish you all the best. Good luck with the contest.

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much for your kinds words. I really appreciate it.

Hey @comfortpeter, you had a nice and and your day in school was real interesting, you learned important lessons, your teacher taught you about functional groups, homologous series, Isomerism and you learn that some drugs contain optical property which can affect human health, it was an interesting topic though.

You came in with a nice entry and I wish you success.

 8 months ago 

Thank you very much for your wonderful engagement.

Thank you for wishing me well. I wish you all the best too.

 8 months ago 

@comfortpeter , thank you for sharing your day with us and for explaining how it went. You love the combination of beans and potatoes? I love it too.

Please, it is important to note that while sharing your diary game, you must only use pictures that you took the same day that you are writing about to represent what happened that particular day. It is wrong to add the pictures of another day. It means that you are not representing your day but days. For instance, your last picture was taken on the 26th of December 2023 while others were taken on the 9th of January 2024 but you uploaded it as your picture for evening. Try to improve on this please. Thank you

 8 months ago 

Thank you very much ma for your wonderful assessment and corrections. Will sure improve.

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