Diary Game for Tuesday, 2nd April, 2024| Exams got canceled and helping a friend Signup on Steemit.

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

Hello, steemians from all over the world. Greetings to you all. I trust you all feel blessed and super fantastic. Today is Tuesday, and I hope your day went well.
Welcome to my Tuesday diary. Please read on.


I woke up this morning at 6 am. With the thought of my exams in mind today, I quickly did my morning devotion, then I continued reading my books. My department is to write in the 3rd batch and that will be in the afternoon. So I decided to use that morning for my revision. I read till 10 am, but then I became hungry. So I got up, brushed, took my bath, and also ate my remaining soup. When I was done eating, I went ahead to comb my hair and pack it well, after which I picked up all the necessary things I needed for the exams and left my room. The moment I left my room, I logged into my WhatsApp and to my department information group, I wanted to find out if there was any information there. Guess what? Lo and behold! I found out that the exams that I was preparing for were canceled. It was shifted further to another date just that same morning. I was annoyed at the new development because I stayed up all through the night for that same exam only for it to be shifted. The thing is that we were supposed to write it on the 18th of this month initially, but it was brought forward today. And funny enough, it was shifted to the initial date again.

Got dressed ready for the exams

Since the exams were shifted, I returned to my room and also went ahead to attend our IMPACT ACADEMY in the church which I would have missed because of the exams. I'm glad I attended because I was blessed and impacted by the program.


After the program, one of my churcmemberser whom I introduced the Steemit platform to some time ago, pleaded with me to assist her with her verification, which I did. So I guided her to do her Achievement 1, and I also taught her the basic things she needed to know about the platform. And I believe that she will be verified soon, so she can start making content. Her username is @chi5

With the friend

Seeing her through the process was tasking and time-consuming too, but I believe it wasn't a waste of time. When I got home, I was very hungry, so I cooked local red oil rice with fresh vegetables.

The food


Before I was done cooking, it was already evening. I made sure to fetch water that I will use tomorrow morning. Then I ate. I ate to my satisfaction, after which I rested and took a nap so I would be able to stay up the night to prepare for my exams tomorrow. Tomorrow I have another exam, I pray it will not be canceled.


I will be writing a course on zoology tomorrow. So I'm off to read my books the moment I finish writing this diary.
I will be going to church to read there with some of my fellowship members who are students. My neighborhood is a bit noisy today because the service of songs of someone who died is held today.

Thank you for reading about my day.
I invite my friends @goodybest @bossj23 @suboohi to join me in this game.


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I appreciate your cooperation

 2 months ago 

Thank you very much for the correction.


আপনার চুলের স্টাইলটা আমার ভালো লাগছে৷ আপনি হাস্যউজ্জ্বল জীবন যাপন করেন। এটা ভালো বিষয়।

 2 months ago 

Thank you very much. i really do appreciate your kind response.


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