Diary Game for Tuesday, 02/07/2024|| A long and stressful day at school.

in Steem Kids & Parents21 days ago (edited)

Greetings Steemians from all over the world. Trust you all feel bleed and super fantastic? It's been a while here. I missed you all during the time I was away. I'm glad to be back here.
And I would start by telling you about my day.


I woke up early this morning at 4 am. Of course, I'm a student studying a professional course that is very demanding( Nursing) so I have to study my books. I read till it was past 6 am. With that, I decided to start my day and also prepare for lectures.
I had my quiet time and committed the day to the hands of God before doing other things.

I was to have practicals by 9 am, followed by a two-hour class, and then a seminar presentation class from 3 pm to 5pm. So I'm pretty much gonna have a long day.

So I carried out my morning routine of brushing my teeth, washing the dishes, warming the leftover food, taking my bath, eating, and dressing up.

I ate beans with custard

When I was done with all of these, I headed out.
I soon got to the laboratory and saw other students waiting outside. The practical had not commenced. So I joined them and waited. After some minutes of waiting, we were allowed into the laboratory and, the practical started.

We did a practical determination of the total white blood cells of the body.



After spending some hours in the laboratory, we concluded the practical and headed straight to our next lecture which was to last for 2 hours.

The class was so filled up that there were not enough places to sit. I had to stand throughout the lecture period. It really was exhausting.
And because of how filled the class was, the place was heated up.
The lecturer kept complaining about how choked up the class was and at the end, she left without using up her 2 hour period.

When it was 3 pm, the seminar class kick-started. The presentation was done in groups. 3 persons in each group came out to talk on the topic that was given to them.

My tired face in class


Still in class

The presentation continued with different speakers and groups talking on different topics. I did not present today as I had already done mine last week.
When it was 5 pm, it came to an end and attendance was taken. With that being done, I went home.
I got to the hostel, washed my uniform and then headed for the church program since it was past time already.

The program lasted till past 8 pm. And we dismissed it. I noticed it was drizzling but then, I went home with it.
I got home and drank got tea and bread for dinner which I even forgot to snap.

This was how my day went.


Thank you very much for reading through.

I invite my friends @goodybest @saintkelvin @pandora2010 @bossj23 to join me in this game.


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