in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)


Hello dear friends,how are you all doing,hope you guys went to school today?and also I hope that school was fun.


my activities at home and also at school

When I woke up very early in the morning I was so much exited because today is my first day of resuming school and also whenever I remember my friends at school I feel over joyed.

Then I quickly swept the compound and also inside our house.then I called my siblings and told them to come out so that I can help them in brushing their teeth,and when we were done I took them to our bathroom and they had their shower,and then I gave them their clothes to put on and then our meal was ready then we are it.
Then I now went to the bathroom and took my own shower then brushed my teeth and also cumbed my hair.then we said good bye to our parents and then we went off.

When we reached out school it was still 7:00 and then we first helped our fellow students in cleaning the compound and also to sweep our classrooms.When it was 7:30 the bell was rang and we all assembled at the school assembly and we first read some hyms and then series of prayers were said and after that our disciplinary prefect came to the assembly line and checked our fingers and also many students were flogged because of their dirty finger nails.And after that our principal came and made some introduction speech and then we were asked to go back to our various classes.

At the class
When it was 8:15 we first had our Civic class and he taught us about interpersonal relationship:Interpersonal relationships are the strong connections we feel with those closest to us. And also some examples were given to us.

When the first class was over it was time for French,but to tell you the truth,French is the most difficult subject to me because I don't understand anything from the class.
Then after the French class was over it was time for mathematics and when the class was over it was now time for break.

afternoon diary

When the break was over we now came in and sorted for three class then we were dismissed and when we dismissed I gathered my siblings and we tracked home.
And when we reached home I was starving so my mom game us money to buy some noodles and I immediately went to the main road and bought it then I cooked it,and after eating I now washed our school uniforms and ironed them.

evening diary

When I finished ironing our school uniforms,I was now free to go and do my take home assignment,but firstly I helped my siblings in their own then after that I now finished my own then I went outside and played for sometime because all work without play makes jcka a doll dog.and when I was done playing I took some pictures and then took my bath and then went back inside and started reviewing what we learnt for the day.


Thank you for reviewing and visiting my blog and all I want from you is your comments and also your assistance.

 3 years ago 

Hello dear, we have upvoted your publication. But you need to be in any of the clubs to receive more supports from us. Thank you for being active

 3 years ago 

Dear @steemkidss before the end of this month I will be in any of the clubs.

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