in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago


Hello friends,how are you all doing and I hope everything is working well in this community at this had being a while since I last posted in this community and I hope that you have forgive and accept my apologies.
I just logged in to my account now and found out that there is a contest going on so I decided to join and checking the topic,it is a very nice and interesting topic because bulling had being very frequent in my area and that's what should be an area of concentration to the government so as to build a better place for us all.


what is bully

This is the act of threatening to kill or beat someone for some reasons just because of his or her religious beliefs or other things or also because she is smaller, weaker in nature.

do you have them in your locality??

Yes there are often many types of bully in my locality and some are often seen in the streets and also at school and I will like to mention some of them to you.

physical bulling

This is a form of bulling that comes physical and is often seen in the school and also in the street and it is often seen by punching,kicking and other ways were you might refuse to give your valuable to them and that might bring to bully.

verbal bully

This is a type of bully that can be done to someone orally by his or her fellow students at school and they can go far to see that you are bullied by calling all sorts of names to you and making you feel sad.

sexual bully

At such this type of bully is often seen in the street were young men may force a young person and have sex interaction with him or her and in that way it is called sexual bully.

cyber bulling

This type of bully is a type of bully that exists in the electronic world were some group of people with the help of the computer decide to tourment someone with the help of computers,phone etc.

it was my worst day the day I was bullied

The day I was bullied was very bad on me as I took it that it was not my day so all I did was to report to the headmaster about it.
It was in a Monday morning at school when I came very early to school and after doing some works like sweeping the compound and other things and a senior who has being threatening to have problems with me came and told me to wash the toilet leaving that it's girls that do wash our toilet at school and when I refused to do the work they got me beaten up and after that I reported to the school Management and he was given some punishment and also his post in the school was taken away from him.

some things we can do to win over bullies.

Their are so many ways to in which kids can win over their bullies at school and also anywhere and at anytime and I will drop some steps in which we can win over our bullies .

  • Making good friends:our good friends can help us win our bullies in a situation where by the ones that bully us might find it difficult to do so in the presents of our friends.
  • Avoiding to get in a fight:at times it's good not to fight anytime we are bullied because we might get injured in that process and it's good to always avoid getting into a fight.
  • Going face to face to the management of the organization to report the bully and also to our parents.

what firms does bully take place

The word bully can really take place in many forms as such it can be seen through beating,saying bad words to kids,raping and other things.

why might young ones be bullied

Bulling can sometimes occur because of our religious beliefs,our height,colour and manner.

effects of bully

Bully really effects kids both physically and psychologically

  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Loss of memory
  • Physically
    And other things.


Thank you for this very interesting topic because bully has really been the problems of most of kids around the world as most people has made others to get into fear because of what they might do to them and I will like to invite my friends @deben,@junst,@prekish to join in this contest.

 2 years ago 

Este tema es muy interesante ya que esa practica del bulling es en todo el mundo muchos jóvenes se ven amenazados por los mas fuertes o los que llevan el control.

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear for taking part in this wonderful contest. Bullying happen everywhere and the effects can last long.

Loss of appetite
Loss of memory
And other things.

I agree with you on these. Parents should always try to help their kids out by being their Friends to make it easy for the kids to always open up to them

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Club status5050
Curation trailYes

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 2 years ago 

Thank you for evaluating my post

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