Wednesday – I Spy With My Little Eye – Mini Contest (32)

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

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Greetings my dear fellow steemians. I trust we are good? It's a good thing to think and guess, it helps our brain and thinking faculty very well. Been long I participated in this contest series. Please stay tuned and see what I have got for you all.

10% Payout To @Steemkidss




Through my thoughts and research, I think “Knocker-upper” could be the word that starts with "k" which has a twelve letter words, It's hyphenated of course. It has this specific duty of going around to wake up neighbors around the neighborhood to get up and get ready for a new day's duty. Although in today's diary or record is no longer to be found in a cobbled street.




A knocker-upper which sometimes is known as a knocker-up was taken up as a profession in Ireland. It began and lasted well into the Revolutional industry and as at late 1920s just before alarm clocks were affordable. A knocker-upper's main job was to awake sleeping neighbors inorder for them to get to work on time.

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They were paid one shilling to each client every week. The price attached to waking up totally depended on the time and the distance to the home of the clients. 4am was the perfect time to wake them but some prefer the 5 or 6 0'clock. I think they really playeda very responsible role for getting every neighborhood alerted to go to work early and to attend to other duties early.

I believe to have convinced everyone with my answer according to the contest demand. Thank you all for visiting my blog. Hope to see you again later. I will like to invite @joymm @noraandy and @josepha to join the contest.



You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 last year 

Nice post you have shared with us. Thank you for inviting me.

 last year 

Thank you for taking part in the contest and for writing a post about your answer. Now you will have to wait until Wednesday to see if you were right. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Two tips from me;

  1. Never write a post less than 300 words. Curators look for post with 300+ words
  2. Only share copyright free images. Your last image is not copyright free. It still has the watermark on it.

Keep on writing!

 last year 

Thank you ma'am

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