SEC | S11W4-""More Freedom""

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year


Special Greetings To All Steemians!..
In my greatest pleasure I will be taking part in the week 3 of the season 8 of the Steemit engagement challenge. Freedom is something that should be granted to every being because even the law says it all.

20220701_165450.jpgWhat do you understand to be freedom as a parents or kid? 20220701_165450.jpg

Everyone desireth Freedom and shouldn't be denied of it. To be free as a parents means that you have the right to live your life just the way you want it. There's no controller of your decision and choice you make, you automatically become the boss of your own doing.

Image source

Then, to be free as a kid means that you are been given the opportunity to express yourself but to an extent. Kids can't be given the kind of freedom of an adult, because they are still growing, they require the presence of a guardian or parents so that they won't be carried away with the things of the world just I'm the name of freedom.

20220701_165450.jpgWhat can make you to grant more freedom to your kids or what can you do to earn more freedom? 20220701_165450.jpg

I am no more a kid, therefore to be able to earn more freedom, I will try as much as possible to be up and doing. Because I do not need restrictions anymore, I will learn or know how to control my ways all by myself.


Expressing my freedom in happiness

Being able to reason like an adult, control yourself to avoid some certain mistakes can help me earn more freedom. Mingling with matured minds that can help improve the awareness of the society could aid to more of my freedom.

20220701_165450.jpgAdvantages and disadvantages of freedom both to parents and kids 20220701_165450.jpg


My lovely cousin and I, getting excited at our gained freedom

Here are some advantages of freedom to both parents and kids;


• They are able to make profitable changes all by themselves which can inspire people around her.

• Parents to have freedom, will enable them have some decisions that will be followed by their kids and even society at large.

• They get to associate with whomsoever they wish to, so long as they can handle things themselves with they matured reasoning.


• Kids that earn freedom, get to express themselves they way they feel about things.

• Because they are not too restricted, they associate with their friends to Develop some lucrative.

• When a child is free, he/she has the right to make some certain move to improve their knowledge by exploring with their mates.

Here's are some disadvantages of freedom to both parents and kids;


• They might become so uncontrollable with the kind of decision they have choeen. Whuch might affect the kids and society.

• They might miuse the freedom opportunity by abandoning some of their owned responsibility and then chasing shadows.

• When too much of freedom is given to them, most of them lack respect to be given to their elderly ones.


• When they are given free hand to much, they might mix with bad friends and become wild and stubborn.

• Lack of respect to their parents and elder ones sets in.

• They began to feel pompous and out of control by their guardian and parents.

20220701_165450.jpgWhat can cause one to lose the freedom he or she has? 20220701_165450.jpg

You get to loose the freedom you have the moment you began misusing it. Freedom is given to you to express yourself while adding benefits and value to people around you and the society at large.

You also get to loose that freedom you have when you become too proud of it. Maybe you now feel that no one on earth can control you anymore. Some people at this point uses the freedom to torment their fellow human.

Why is freedom necessary? 20220701_165450.jpg

Freedom is really necessary because it gets to allow most individuals to express themselves just the way they want to, make choices and decisions, and also pursue their life goals.

It facilitates creativity, enhance encouragement in both societal growth and physical growth, thereby paving way for democracy.


Indeed I'm glad to have spoken out my opinion about the topic freedom. We all need it to actualize some of our goals and desire. I return My gratitude to everyone who have delegated their time to ready blog post. Thanks alot 💕


I do like to invite @joymm @ahbaz and @mariez to the contest.

Regards; | @chiomzy810


Greetings friend, it is very true to have freedom is to live as you wish, without restrictions and being responsible for your decisions. I wish you a happy day.

 last year 

Thank you dear



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Curated by : @wilmer1988

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