SEC-S17W4: the effects of economic hardships on families

Hello, everyone!

My todays blogging topic experience would be centred on "The effects of economic hardships on families." Family is the smaller unit of society. Different fractions of the family settings make up the society we have today. Therefore, an effect on the family may have a ripple effect on society at large.

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In our present situation, using my country Nigeria as an example, though I know that almost the same scenario is found everywhere in the world. It only differs on the degree of their effects. My country is experiencing high cost of living. A situation termed hyperinflation.

It is more severe in the past 10 months of the new administration that took over thebl helm of affairs now. The removal of petroleum subsody without adequate or post removal proper handling brike the camels back. We are in ground zero and picking up all our debris.

This has further thrown more people into the poverty line and shattered the middle into and further reduced them to the poor/low class. The situation is already dore here, and the hopelessness here is that there is no resolution in sight. But as humans, we have to create survival intincts.

This has drastically incapacited many homes as people now find it difficult to pay their old rents, probably their arrerars owed. This is in the light of the new rent increments by landlords who felt there was a need to increase rents to match up with current realities since they use.l the same market.

This also affected the payment of tuition fees by parents. Sending their wards to school this period is becoming a lixury affairs as they can no longer meet up with the demands and hikes in fees in all levels. The one million question is who is to blame? The ones that increased the fees or government who couldn't tame the hyperinflation.

The third economic effect on families is feeding. Families now find it difficult to feed healthy daily. This is one aspect of the family that shows almost immediately when not well taken care of. The family feeding system have a long way of affecting the psyche and emotional being of the family.

Not many know about the correlation of hard economic times and our mental health. Families pass through alot of mental and psychological trauma due to economic stability. Initially there were cases of sucuide attempts and increase in criminality. We have to be strong to pull through.

Economic Hardships & Negative Impacts

Hard times bring about negative vices in our community. In a society that is mared by unemployment, loss of jobs, and inability of family to conveniently fend for themselves, there are high risk of criminality. Just as they say, an idle hand is a devils workshop.

Criminality like armed robbery and banditry, kidnapping, and other bulgulary activities has been on the increase. Correcting vices of this nature simple entails government should engage more hands to get them busy.

Incidences of citizens willingly taking their lives would be seen in such era. People commiting suicide would be a lot rampant and this should be discouraged and motivated with hope given.

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Some Make Shift Measures

We have to quickly revert to keeping a low lifestyle. Living ostentatious lifestyle would be detriment to us at this time other than do us good. Lifestyle that entails that we spend only on needs other than wants should be promoted.

We have to imbibe a saving habit. This is a going concern and an act we should have kept even before the economic meltdown. Savings help yo give us succour before the effects of economic hardship gets to us. It allows us to plan better and navigate out of economic woes.

This is my entry and I would like to invite @ninapenda and @eveetim.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Economic meltdown is an disturbing issue which has caused unbearable pain to individuals, families and the society at large. The inflation of prices due to this economic meltdown is what marveld a lot of people till now. Going to purchase a product but discovered that it's twice the initial price you knew. It's super bad and needs to be worked on. Good luck on your entry.

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