**SEC17 WK:#5: caring for aged and dependent relatives in the family

So long as we are alive, ageing is inevitable. The structures and functions of our cells decline over time because they are not made to last forever.
The aged people amongst us are likely to develop loss of teeth, hearing loss, loss of sight, back and neck pain, depression etc. This shows that becoming an aged person leads to dependency on the younger ones and it also gives room for sicknesses. The aged find it difficult to do what they are used to doing including eating.

We want to know if you have dependent relatives in your family

Yes, I used to have my grandmother who died two years ago at the age of 115 years. She couldn't hear very well, she could only walk with the help of someone, she lost all her teeth and could talk at a very low peach.

how your family has been caring for them.

  1. Every morning we walk her out to receive heat directly from the sun and return her when the sun is becoming hot.
  2. We feed her any time she is hungry by smashing the food because she lost all her teeth.
  3. We bathe her but not every day. Somedays, we soak a towel in warm water and clean her up.
  4. We massage her legs, hands and other parts of her body to keep her fit and flexible.
  5. We always have time to discuss issues with her. We crack jokes to make her feel happy.
  6. Before her death, we organised a birthday party for her where all her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren attended. We celebrated her and one year later she passed on.
    It was lovely to be with her even though she can be annoying sometimes but with patience we played our role as grandchildren.

We would also like to know whether you are doing that out of joy or forced.

Every single thing I did for my late grandmother was from a pure heart and with joy because of the following reasons:

  1. To make her happy
  2. Learn lessons from her. An adage says "what an elderly person sees while sitting, a young man cannot see it even if he climbs an iroko tree".
  3. To receive her blessings
  4. I do it for her because I want my children and grandchildren to do the same to me.

What makes them dependent? Age or circumstances?

What makes my grandmother dependent is age. She was not disturbed by sicknesses like other aged people. She depreciates as years pass by.

The joys you derive from caring for them. Tell us your own story.

As I have said earlier, aged people can be annoying sometimes but because I was not forced to do it, I never got bordered by some of her behaviour. What gives me joy is when I see her responding well to my services or support to her and also telling me God bless you.

In conclusion, I charged us all to care for the aged ones around us in kind and cash. I invite @vickyson and @mhizta to participate. Thank you.


El cuidar de nuestros ancianos es un acto de amor y de responsabilidad, al hacerlo estamos honrando sus enseñanzas y a la familia, todos debemos cuidarnos entre nosotros mismos.
Las personas cunado envejecen van perdiendo su capacidad de valerse por si mismos, por lo que luego necesitan de alguna persona que los ayude a alimentarse, vestirse, asearse, y tal vez no sea ese el caso, pero simplemente con acompañarlos, pasar buenos ratos con ellos, eso los vuelve alegres y felices.

Un gusto ver su participación en el desafío.


 4 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

It is really special that your grandmother is 115 years old. And her death was a very sad story. You have shared some wonderful points. I wish you all the best.

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Hola amigo, tal como unos cuentas, con el paso de los años nuestro cuerpo se van deteriorando.

Me alegra que hayan podido atender y cuidar a tu abuelita hasta su último día, me imagino esa fiesta de cumpleaños en la cual se reunió toda su familia debió haber sido bastante grato y es un hermoso recuerdo que quedó grabado en sus corazones.

Me encanta el refrán que siempre decía tu abuela, es bastante acertado, cuidar a nuestros familiares con todo el amor y la disposición es un hermoso gesto de agradecimiento por todos los que ellos han hecho por nosotros.

Saludos y bendiciones.


Your grandmother lived a very long life of 115 years and I don't understand how you took care of her so much that she lived that long. You didn't say much, so below you told how you thought about them and what you used to do with them all day, after that you broke them by making them wet, then you used to give them their hands, feet and legs and you I am very happy to see that you have served him so much and you organized a birthday party for him before his death.May Allah grant them a place in Paradise.

Best Regards

You are example of good person. In India I know someone who has elder age women like your grandmother but they always shouted at her and they did not give proper diet and one day she died and that family had thrown party...it is pity but true so I salute you that you cared and always been supportive for her.

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