The Diary Game - Have Fun with Kids in Our Spare Time

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago
Note : 10% Donate Reward to @steemkidss

Hello friends in #steemkids community!
I would like to share my diary in spare time about having fun with kids at night.


Around 21.00 tonight after the children came home from school learning the Al-Quran, I took a little time to go out at night looking for food to dinner at a stall near my house. Not only did I bring my kid, I also included my sister's children to enliven the atmosphere. They were very happy when I took them away and gave them delicious dinner, I was also very entertained by the crowds of children so I captured exciting moments with them, the children looked very funny.

In their happy hearts, the children did not care about the situation around the stall, they laughed merrily without any burden and shame. Occasionally I admonish them not to be too noisy because it will disturb other customers.


In my life, I think closeness to small kids is very useful, by giving them kindness, children really appreciate and love us. Sometimes I feel younger again when I'm by the side of the kids.

In this stall I'm a regular at, the shop owner has recognized me so I'm no stranger to visiting this food stall. We were in this place for almost two hours with fun activities with my small children, my children and I took pictures together with joy and they were also very loose in posing.


These moments of joy can cure the boredom of piling up homework, and when they are next to them it feels like life without problems, all problems in life feel gone. The point is that I can entertain myself by playing with my children when I have problems in life.

Frequent play with children makes our souls feel youthful. So love the children around us so they will respect us as older people. And the joy of children is the dream of every parent.


 2 years ago 

Hello dear @bungsuleo, we have given you a 20% upvote from our official account. From the analysis made by our mod, you have only set beneficiary %. You have not joined our curation trail nor delegate to "steemkidss". If you grow your steempower, please do not fail to delegate to us. For the meantime, you can join our curation trail so that we can increase our voting value

Thanks @steemkidss, I wish to delegate. but my steem power is too low

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