The commemoration of Jesus Christ death [Memorial] by @bossj23 || 10% payout to @steemkidss || Club5050

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)


Greetings to all steemians in this community. I'm implicitly excited about this contest because it reminds me of one special event celebrated every year. I'm an occasionist so to speak but no occasion or event has moved and changed my life like the event I'm about writing on. In this post, I will answer series of questions related to this event as to why it is important, how it is celebrated and what preparations I've made or is making for this event. In this content, I'll try my best to be brief or not really brief and also try to adhere to the contest rules and guidelines governing this post. My life experience will also be shared.

What is it all about?

The commemoration of Jesus death is an important part of our Christian life. I value this commemoration more than every other event because it is highly special. Commemoration of Jesus death is all about remembering his death by doing what he and his disciples did the night before his arrest. Jesus came to earth and paid his life as a ransom to make us free from sin and death and also made it possible for us to have everlasting life in the future. It's just like someone who risked this very own life to save us or covered expenses we couldn't. Till I die, I can never forget what that person did. Jesus the same but he is was great and vital so I can't in my life forget what he did for me. All you wanted of us is to remember and commemorate his death as a means of showing appreciation for what he did. It is celebrated once every year on Nisan 14 in the Jewish calendar which usually fall on March and April. This year, it would hold on the 15th of April. Jehovah's Witnesses cherish these event and wholeheartedly invite millions around the world to join them in this commemoration.


What gave rise to it?

Appreciating or remembering what Jesus did for us gave rise to this commemoration. Before Jesus died, he told his disciples to commemorate his death in remembrance of him that's why it is done once every year to remember that special person.

How it is celebrated or observed?

It is celebrated once every year as I stated earlier. It is observed by doing what Jesus did in the Passover night. A talk would be given on answers to questions such as why did Jesus die, how Jesus death affect you personally, and who are to partake of the emblems? After that, a memorial unleavened bread and wine would be passed to everyone. Only those who are worthy eating the bread and the wine will. This commemoration will be done electronically and physically.


Why is it unique?

It is special because it reminds us of how Jesus death affect us personally and it is also unique because it is the commemoration of God's only son's death. There's no special attire for this event. It is a freestyle event and the Special food for this commemoration is an unleavened bread and wine.


Who would you invite,?

I would like to invite friends, schoolmates neighbours and people I know today special occasion. I can't withhold the special invitation to the special event from anyone. This is the result of my invitation. I invited 125 people so far and many are interested in being part of attendance.

What benefits are there for being part of the occasion?

Being in attendance alone is one way of showing appreciation for that special gift. The benefits I'll derive from being in the occasion and numerous. I obtain answers to 4 important questions that concerns this commemoration. My life will change drastically and will always change. I will justify my actions that I've done what that special person wanted.

What preparations have you made?

I'm making a lot of preparation concerning clothes, sponsoring people with data vsince it will be done electronically and physically too, inviting people to the special events and doing other thing else.

Conclusively, this commemoration is not especially importance to me alone but of special importance to everyone else. .......
I invite @bethix,



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