in Steem Kids & Parents3 years ago (edited)
Good afternoon everyone. I'm still glad to be part of this wonderful community. I thank @benton3 for commenting me and showing me how to do better in the last assignment. Today I courageously told nature I'm alive. I'm still not forget to comment @benton3 for creating more awareness on this elaborate topic. Last week assignment was centered on introduction to blockchain consensus mechanism and I learnt the types of blockchain consensus mechanism and their examples. This week is something different but still under blockchain consensus mechanism. This week's assignment is centred on the other types of blockchain consensus mechanism.


Question One

Explain extensively what Delegated Proof of Stake is.

First of all before explaining it in details, let's come to understand what "delegate", "delegate" and "delegated" mean. The heteronyms, delegate anddelegate mean different things even though they are spelt same. Both have different stress pattern and intonation making it different.
Delegate: is a person who is selected,chosen or elected to vote or act on behalf of others. These delegates delegate to other delegates their voting power by voting for them and selecting them as representatives.

Delegate: means the act of choosing, selecting or electing someone to speak, act or vote for others or act of entrusting responsibilities to others.
It includes choosing the right person, explaining why you are delegating etc.

Proof of Stake from our last study is defined as a type of consensus mechanism used for validating and selecting validators based on their quantity of cryptocurrency. So combining all the definitions together, we have it that;

Delegated Proof of Stake [DPOS]

is another type of blockchain consensus mechanism in which validators or those participating in validation are selected or elected as delegates based on the number of tokens or cryptocurrency they have. These delegates are delegated by other delegate to ensure the smooth running of the blockchain and the quantity of cryptocurrency these delegate have gives the voters must stand in selecting their candidates.@benton3 said extensively so I will enter it in details. In Delegated Proof of Stake, participants still stake coins. However, rather than becoming responsible for validation themselves, stakeholders farm-out that work to a delegate- groups of which are responsible for reaching consensus between themselves. Delegated proof of stake,(DPOS) and generally faster than block chains run on POW and POS systems.

Question Two

Define and explain Proof of Burn

Definition: Proof of burn as another consensus mechanism is based on burning coins for mining. proof of burn according to @benton3 is a type of consensus mechanism that requires a miner to burn a particular coin which allows him buy mining rig to become a miner.

The more coins a miner burns the more chances he had in creating blocks.
These miners have a high rate of mining a block if and only if the miners burn more coins. It is a blockchain consensus mechanism with minimal energy consumption.

Question 3

How do you understand Proof of Capacity? This type of consensus mechanism is like proof of burn where the keyword is on "burn", burning more coins for more chances to create blocks. In this mechanism, the keywords are capacity, how large, storage or disk space. Like Proof of Burn, Proof of Capacity involves more mining and scheming [plotting]. It requires a validator in this case to spend much money on acquiring hard disk space because the more hard disk space he has the more chances of becoming elected as a block validator. The high quantity of data which is referred to as plots are stored in this hard drives.

Question Four

Give an example of a block chain for each consensus mechanism discussed

In DPOS, the blockchain for this consensus mechanism are; Tron and steem blockchains.

In POC, the blockchains are SpaceMint, Chia, Stork etc. Source

In POB, the blockchains are; Slimcoin etc.Source

Question 5

The difference between DPOS and POS

DPOS is even more energy efficient than POS and uses less hardware.

DPOS enables producers in block to validate transactions faster, thereby providing faster transaction than POS. Source

This is where I rest my case. I still thank @benton3 for this wonderful provision and also @steemkidss for this community.

Special greetings to

 3 years ago 

This assignmemt have 10% plagiarism. I would suggest you come to the office to educated to make post free of plagiarism. Last warning.


 3 years ago 

Thank you sir. I've corrected the work. It's just that I put the source at the end of a definition that's why it showed. As I put it after the definition, it didn't show. I'm very sorry for stressing you. I know how to check it now

 3 years ago 

This work is still showing 7% plagiarism. Kindly use this checker in addition to what you are using already.



Try and correct and get back to me.

 3 years ago 

I'm done

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