Funny incident of childhood

in Steem Kids & Parents9 months ago
I bring to you all a special greeting from this part of the world members of @steemkidss and all you great steemians all over the world. I must say that I am very happy participating in this contest that is organised by @drhira and I will say a big thanks to her for giving us the opportunity to write about some of our childhood memories.



This is indeed a great contest that we all suppose to participate in because we all as humans definitely have funny incident during our childhood inclusive me, I have many funny incident during my childhood and if I want to narrate it I will not finish so I am going to tell you some of my funny childhood incident that I always remember that gives me memories.

My childhood funny incident

Growing up as a child was very easy then because the world was still a beautiful place, I spent time freely and always happy though I was little then but I could still remember some funny things that I did during my childhood.

When I was still small I always run away from my mother's meal and love to eat in others people house I don't know why I was doing it, the worst of it was that my mum Cooks good and delicious meal than those people I prefer eating their meal so one day I was in our neighbors house to go and eat, so after eating I heard about them discussing on how to warm the remaining meal so that they will eat it the next morning, as a child I quickly woke and rushed to their house and eat the remaining food without their notice so when they cane to warm the meal they saw me in the kitchen eating the food and they was shocked that how could a child think of such, they were surprised because I wass child then but they didn't knew how smart I was.


They went and told my parents about it and they were all suprised because my mum didn't even know when I left the house, and since then they started keeping close tabs on me.
My love for food started when I was young till now I still love eating food, because of that my mum have given me a Nike name called Olololo which means someone who love eating too much, in our house now whenever they are sharing anything eatable I was always take the lion share because of my love for food.

Another funny incident that I remember was when we were all in the living room with my parents watching Television Funny incident of childhood o they entered a scene where they were about to eat food so they started sharing eat among themselves before they will start eating it.

As a little boy my love for food made me went straight to the kitchen and took my plate and spoon so that they will put my own share for me 😂 I went in front of the television and was telling them to put my own share food for me and my parents were shocked at my attitude they started laughing at me.
As a child I taught the people in the television are human like me that was why I did that, till date anytime I am with my mother she always remember about it and we will all start laughing.


Playing in the rain with my friends is another thing I love doing most when i was young, then whenever rain was falling we always rush home to remove our clothes and we will be left with only pant on our body and we will rush inside the rain and started jumping form one place to another happily.

They was a day that rain was falling in my area and they was a gutter near there and I jumped into it with a plank I sat on top of the plank and it was carrying me i was very happy and went on to call my friends and we all enjoyed it together.
That time when we are inside the rain we play different games and any water that we see we swim inside very happily.


Again during my childhood I play different kinds of games like hide and seek, tire riding, rubber band game, sand playing etc. I really enjoyed my childhood because I had enough fun.

I remember when I was young my elder always make sure that we read our books, then we taught he was punishing us but it's now that I realized that he was doing us good.

They was a time he told me to go and read my book, I was angry and went inside when he saw my reaction he told me that he is going to ask me questions form what I read so knowing that he is going to ask me questions I took my pen and wrote some answers in my palm hand and I told him that I have read finish so he should come and ask me questions.
He was surprised because I didn't waste time reading my book, he came and started asking me questions so I tried to look for the answer in my palm hand but he caught me 😂. And he send me back to go and read my books properly, so I went and read it properly and come back to answer the question he asked he was very happy with me and he warned me not to ever practice malpractice again and I listened to him and it has helped me a lot.

Furthermore they was when i was looking for a dog trouble that's i was disturbing the dog, the owner warned me to stop but I refused so the owner released the dog from it cage without my notice andbtge dog started chasing I was shouting and running luckily for me the owner called the dog to stop chasing after me and that was how manage to escape since then i always stay away from dogs.

In conclusion


Childhood memories in indeed a memory that will last a life time in our lives, and I am very happy writing about some of my funny childhood incident and memories.
Sometimes I will just wish for the world to go back af start again because I had lots of memories and good friends who are no longer with me so for sometime I will wish the world just travel back to when I was still young so that I can correct some of my bad behavior in the past.

I ma inviting @kuzboy, @akareen and @moyeon to participate in this contest I have also upvoted and resteemed the contest post so as to create awareness.

Written by @bonaventure24, regards 😍

 9 months ago 

Thank you for participation

 9 months ago 

You are welcome dear 🤗😍 and thank you too for organising such an interesting contest honestly speaking I really enjoyed writing about it, and I also had fun participating in this contest.

 9 months ago 

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Review Date26/09/2023

MODs Comment/Recommendation: Children always do funny annoying and exciting things, I used to play in the rain too, and the feelings is normally out of the world. Haha thanks for sharing your experience with us, engage meaningfully with follow users through comment and upvote. Success!

Remember to always share your post on Twitter. This POST LINK is a guide to that effect.

 9 months ago 

Thanks for the reviews

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