The Diary Game || 21-05-2023 || Strictly on Research and adventure and Personal Development

in Steem Kids & Parents5 months ago


Morning Serenity and Productivity

I started off my day with an EXCELLENT SPIRIT. At 5:30 AM I said my morning prayers, a moment to find peace and set a grateful tone. Next I had some moments of gratitude and took my daily affirmations. A moment of reflection for starting a positive day. I got inspiration from the verses of Psalms 23;

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

These powerful verses gave me a roadmap for my day; reason I'm always engaging in it.

Thereafter, I cleaned up my room and jotted down my plans for the day in my diary. After a refreshing bath, I headed to my research arena, ready to dive into my major activities: upskilling in cybersecurity, mining some cryptos, reflecting on my vision board, creating quality content, and capturing beautiful moments through photography.

Most mornings, I enjoy a long walk, capturing the essence of nature, people, and the environment with my smart phone. Today was no exception as I set out from my crib,

Snapchat-1127724503.jpgMe leaving the house
Snapchat-764657862.jpgTransporters starting their day
Snapchat-1721029330.jpgSmall shops and local eateries opening for serving breakfast for money
Pupils bustling to schoolSnapchat-1245174814.jpg
The Oron highway, bustling with activity, made for some great photosSnapchat-222167683.jpg

I reached my research arena, the Oba Center by Oron Road at about 8 AM. Before entering, I noticed a lovely red spotty car in front of the gate

Me at the gate Snapchat-705508962.jpgInside the quiet arena Snapchat-86192399.jpg

Woman fetching water in the yard, a simple yet profound scene made possible by government infrastructure.

Focused Upskilling and a Chess Encounter

By 8:26 AM, I was deep into my upskilling session, learning the latest trends and techniques in cybersecurity. Amidst my studies, a young man who has dedicated his life to playing chess stopped by. He makes a living from it, adding an interesting and inspiring twist to my day.


Trust me chess is a complete skill set and it's currently a programme offered in tertiary institutions.

His documented book on chessSnapchat-1629770465.jpg
Afternoon Recreation and Photography

From 2 PM, I indulged in recreational activities I love, especially taking pictures of nature and the current state of the environment. Today, I encountered road construction engineers working on the Oron highway, capturing the progress and the effort of the workers.


For crypto lovers, like you all know, telegram airdrop is currently trending and Tapswap will be listed soon, so I took some time to TAP! TAP! TAP! just like a popular Steemian @ngoenzi will say

Me tapping Screenshot_20240521-074612.jpgMy current Tapswap scoreScreenshot_20240521-074421.jpg

In this crypto business, I've got some Steemians madly into it. Talking about the like of @bossj23, @alli001 and others

Evening Recharge and Reflections

Around 4 PM, I returned home for a much-needed rest. After waking up, I headed to a nearby eatery, not for food, but to charge my phone, hahahahahahaha.


Relax, guys, I needed to ensure my phone had enough battery life for the rest of today and the start of a new day. However, I did end up getting some food for myself, as it had been a hectic and fun-filled day. On my way to grab a meal, I met a friend of mine opposite a bet shop and stopped to say hello. It was a pleasant end to a productive day filled with learning, creativity, and meaningful interactions.

Just as I was wrapping up my day in my diary, I stumbled on a diary post made by @bossj23 about me a prospective Steemian.

Me being given a clue of steemit by @alli001

Trust me he was right but honestly I won't believe I had being taken a shot obviously when I was thinking he was just glancing through his phone. Well done @bossj23

Reflecting on today's activities, from early morning prayers to evening relaxation, each moment was a blend of productivity, creativity, and personal growth. Through cybersecurity upskilling, photography, and everyday encounters, I embraced the richness of daily life, capturing it all in my diary.



please provide me with some hacks on mining the tapswap token faster

Good day. Don't have any hack for now. I'm currently mining manually

 5 months ago 

When promoting your post on Twitter always make use of this tags #steem #steemit $steem and any other tag related to your post. Note, the first 3 tags must be the ones listed above.

Thanks for the hint. I really appreciate


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 60883.28
ETH 2401.75
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63