Hello steemit friends, how are you all doing? I feel excited to be with you all now once again. I am writing in response to a contest organized by @steemkidss in this wonderful contest What family means to you

I supper glad to be part of this geart opportunity to write about what's family means to me . All of us existing today came out from a family.

Tell us what family mean to you

Family to me means your my organ through which you came into existence. It can also be said the people you have come to meet as a result of what you do or were you find your self

let me start with organ - This is the most known type of family where you were originated from and brought to birth. we suddenly found ourselves being protected and cared for by a loving and compassionate family.

This is a type of family that is related by blood, they enjoy filial relationship with each other. Being related by blood, they are always close and feels it when any member of the family is passing through one thing or the other.

We also have the one called Nuclear family

Nuclear Family this is the type of family that has to do with the father, mother and children that is to say, your immediate family.
We also have the extended family
Extended Family this is als includes, grandfathers, grand mothers, fathers, mothers, children, uncles, aunties, nephews, nieces and other extended members.

This is to say that your family is not just the people your are related with by blood but people who comfort, encourage and assist in any way possible. When you are in grief. When you are joyful and happy, they also celebrate with you.

This is what I will will defind as a family to me.

Can 2 families be the same?

No because is not possible for two families to be the same. Because each family is made up of different types of human being with different characteristics and disposition. Even within the familys, each person is unique in his own way, but still come together to work as a family. So no two families can be the same.

Do you currently belong to a family?


Yes like I said earlier there is no one without a family,it will be a great privilege to introduce my wonder family to my steemit family, in other words I think I am bless to be part of this geart family of my . My family filled with love and I am ever grateful to God for such a happy and wonderful family. I also belong to an extended family that include my sibllings.

Is your family the ideal type you will like to always belong to or are you just managing it?


My daddy and he's two wifes

Yes but in a better way this time not in a polygamous family, My family is the best for me if not that in every polygamous family there is always a difference,never the less I love this great family of my because I strongly believe God knows the reason for everything.

How can you improve your family?

To improve my family, I think all we need is to understand each other differences communication is vital. Communication is the lifeblood of any family. Where there is good communication, it is always easier to talk out matters. I think by so doing it because easier to forgiveness to be shown and practiced by each family member. Another thing I will do is to show respect to each member of the family. Every one deserves to be respected even the littles one amongst us. The last and the most important is Love. Love because I know were there is love surely there will be unity and any family can stand it that.

what advice can you give to other families that is working for you?

I would advice that other families to always loot out for each other but this could not be active if there is no Love,Unity,Peace,Respect,Communication.

These Five (5)qualities can be displayed irrespective of the type of family, their backgrounds and individual characteristics.

Anything else you will like us to know about family. We want to exhaust all.

A Family can also be said to me the source of your any others joy. there is a saying In my place that say no man run after rabbit when he's home is on fire.

I most not forget to appreciate @steemkidss for this wonderful contest. It is indeed inspiring
and also given me the opportunity to tell my steemit friends how beautiful my family is

I am inviting

@mimisunday, @racheldimkpa and @favour22 to participate in this contest.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for telling us your own definition of a family, family values differ and belonging to one is a real privilege. Your entry has been noted.

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